Search Results for author: Fanyi Wang

Found 16 papers, 7 papers with code

MagicStyle: Portrait Stylization Based on Reference Image

no code implementations12 Sep 2024 Zhaoli Deng, Kaibin Zhou, Fanyi Wang, Zhenpeng Mi

The main challenge in this reference image stylization task lies in how to maintain the details of the content image while incorporating the color and texture features of the style image.

Denoising Image Stylization

MagicID: Flexible ID Fidelity Generation System

no code implementations17 Aug 2024 Zhaoli Deng, Wen Liu, Fanyi Wang, Junkang Zhang, Fan Chen, Meng Zhang, Wendong Zhang, Zhenpeng Mi

Portrait Fidelity Generation is a prominent research area in generative models, with a primary focus on enhancing both controllability and fidelity.

RepControlNet: ControlNet Reparameterization

no code implementations17 Aug 2024 Zhaoli Deng, Kaibin Zhou, Fanyi Wang, Zhenpeng Mi

With the wide application of diffusion model, the high cost of inference resources has became an important bottleneck for its universal application.

Model Compression

Zero-shot High-fidelity and Pose-controllable Character Animation

no code implementations21 Apr 2024 Bingwen Zhu, Fanyi Wang, Tianyi Lu, Peng Liu, Jingwen Su, Jinxiu Liu, Yanhao Zhang, Zuxuan Wu, Guo-Jun Qi, Yu-Gang Jiang

Image-to-video (I2V) generation aims to create a video sequence from a single image, which requires high temporal coherence and visual fidelity.

LoopAnimate: Loopable Salient Object Animation

no code implementations14 Apr 2024 Fanyi Wang, Peng Liu, Haotian Hu, Dan Meng, Jingwen Su, Jinjin Xu, Yanhao Zhang, Xiaoming Ren, Zhiwang Zhang

The proposed LoopAnimate, which for the first time extends the single-pass generation length of UNet-based video generation models to 35 frames while maintaining high-quality video generation.

Object Video Generation

Lightweight high-resolution Subject Matting in the Real World

no code implementations12 Dec 2023 Peng Liu, Fanyi Wang, Jingwen Su, Yanhao Zhang, GuoJun Qi

To alleviate these issues, we propose to construct a saliency object matting dataset HRSOM and a lightweight network PSUNet.

Image Matting object-detection +1

BARET : Balanced Attention based Real image Editing driven by Target-text Inversion

no code implementations9 Dec 2023 Yuming Qiao, Fanyi Wang, Jingwen Su, Yanhao Zhang, Yunjie Yu, Siyu Wu, Guo-Jun Qi

Image editing approaches with diffusion models have been rapidly developed, yet their applicability are subject to requirements such as specific editing types (e. g., foreground or background object editing, style transfer), multiple conditions (e. g., mask, sketch, caption), and time consuming fine-tuning of diffusion models.

Image Reconstruction Style Transfer

u-LLaVA: Unifying Multi-Modal Tasks via Large Language Model

1 code implementation9 Nov 2023 Jinjin Xu, Liwu Xu, Yuzhe Yang, Xiang Li, Fanyi Wang, Yanchun Xie, Yi-Jie Huang, Yaqian Li

Recent advancements in multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) have led to substantial improvements in visual understanding, primarily driven by sophisticated modality alignment strategies.

Instruction Following Language Modelling +1

A Machine Vision Method for Correction of Eccentric Error: Based on Adaptive Enhancement Algorithm

no code implementations1 Sep 2023 Fanyi Wang, Pin Cao, Yihui Zhang, Haotian Hu, Yongying Yang

Focusing on the severe defocus blur of reference crosshair image caused by the imaging characteristic of the aspherical optical element, which may lead to the failure of correction, an Adaptive Enhancement Algorithm (AEA) is proposed to strengthen the crosshair image.

All-pairs Consistency Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation8 Aug 2023 Weixuan Sun, Yanhao Zhang, Zhen Qin, Zheyuan Liu, Lin Cheng, Fanyi Wang, Yiran Zhong, Nick Barnes

Given a pair of augmented views, our approach regularizes the activation intensities between a pair of augmented views, while also ensuring that the affinity across regions within each view remains consistent.

Object Localization Weakly supervised Semantic Segmentation +1

GAM : Gradient Attention Module of Optimization for Point Clouds Analysis

1 code implementation19 Mar 2023 Haotian Hu, Fanyi Wang, Jingwen Su, Hongtao Zhou, Yaonong Wang, Laifeng Hu, Yanhao Zhang, Zhiwang Zhang

In point cloud analysis tasks, the existing local feature aggregation descriptors (LFAD) are unable to fully utilize information in the neighborhood of central points.

VA-GCN: A Vector Attention Graph Convolution Network for learning on Point Clouds

no code implementations1 Jun 2021 Haotian Hu, Fanyi Wang, Huixiao Le

Owing to the development of research on local aggregation operators, dramatic breakthrough has been made in point cloud analysis models.

3D Classification

A De-raining semantic segmentation network for real-time foreground segmentation

1 code implementation16 Apr 2021 Fanyi Wang, Yihui Zhang

According to the control experiments, the performances of MultiScaleSE Block and Asymmetric Skip compared with SEResNet18 and Symmetric Skip respectively are improved to a certain degree on the Foreground Accuracy index.

Decoder Foreground Segmentation +2

BAM: A Balanced Attention Mechanism for Single Image Super Resolution

1 code implementation15 Apr 2021 Fanyi Wang, Haotian Hu, Cheng Shen

The results demonstrate that BAM can efficiently improve the networks performance, and for those originally with attention mechanism, the substitution with BAM further reduces the amount of parameters and increases the inference speed.

Image Super-Resolution

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