Search Results for author: Farshad Rafiei

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

3D-printed stand, timing interface, and coil localization tools for concurrent TMS-fMRI experiments

no code implementations10 Apr 2022 Samuel Goldstein, Farshad Rafiei, Dobromir Rahnev

Second, we create an interface that can precisely time the TMS pulses with respect to the fMRI image acquisition with a variance of under 1 ms. Third, we develop software for precisely determining the TMS coil position inside the MRI scanner and computing the location of maximal stimulation.


Does TMS increase BOLD activity at the site of stimulation?

no code implementations26 Oct 2021 Farshad Rafiei, Dobromir Rahnev

We find evidence that TMS increases local BOLD activity when stimulating the primary motor and visual cortices but that these effects are likely driven by the downstream consequences of TMS (finger twitches and phosphenes).

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