Search Results for author: Fatemeh Sadat Saleh

Found 10 papers, 4 papers with code

Contextually Plausible and Diverse 3D Human Motion Prediction

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Sadegh Aliakbarian, Fatemeh Sadat Saleh, Lars Petersson, Stephen Gould, Mathieu Salzmann

We tackle the task of diverse 3D human motion prediction, that is, forecasting multiple plausible future 3D poses given a sequence of observed 3D poses.

Diversity Human motion prediction +2

Proposal-free Temporal Moment Localization of a Natural-Language Query in Video using Guided Attention

1 code implementation20 Aug 2019 Cristian Rodriguez-Opazo, Edison Marrese-Taylor, Fatemeh Sadat Saleh, Hongdong Li, Stephen Gould

Given an untrimmed video and a sentence as the query, the goal is to determine the starting, and the ending, of the relevant visual moment in the video, that corresponds to the query sentence.


Learning Variations in Human Motion via Mix-and-Match Perturbation

no code implementations2 Aug 2019 Mohammad Sadegh Aliakbarian, Fatemeh Sadat Saleh, Mathieu Salzmann, Lars Petersson, Stephen Gould, Amirhossein Habibian

In this paper, we introduce an approach to stochastically combine the root of variations with previous pose information, which forces the model to take the noise into account.

Decoder Human motion prediction +1

Effective Use of Synthetic Data for Urban Scene Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Fatemeh Sadat Saleh, Mohammad Sadegh Aliakbarian, Mathieu Salzmann, Lars Petersson, Jose M. Alvarez

Our approach builds on the observation that foreground and background classes are not affected in the same manner by the domain shift, and thus should be treated differently.

Domain Adaptation Semantic Segmentation

Bringing Background into the Foreground: Making All Classes Equal in Weakly-supervised Video Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations ICCV 2017 Fatemeh Sadat Saleh, Mohammad Sadegh Aliakbarian, Mathieu Salzmann, Lars Petersson, Jose M. Alvarez

Our experiments demonstrate the benefits of our classifier heatmaps and of our two-stream architecture on challenging urban scene datasets and on the YouTube-Objects benchmark, where we obtain state-of-the-art results.

Autonomous Navigation Segmentation +3

Incorporating Network Built-in Priors in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations6 Jun 2017 Fatemeh Sadat Saleh, Mohammad Sadegh Aliakbarian, Mathieu Salzmann, Lars Petersson, Jose M. Alvarez, Stephen Gould

We then show how to obtain multi-class masks by the fusion of foreground/background ones with information extracted from a weakly-supervised localization network.

Object Recognition Segmentation +3

Encouraging LSTMs to Anticipate Actions Very Early

1 code implementation ICCV 2017 Mohammad Sadegh Aliakbarian, Fatemeh Sadat Saleh, Mathieu Salzmann, Basura Fernando, Lars Petersson, Lars Andersson

In contrast to the widely studied problem of recognizing an action given a complete sequence, action anticipation aims to identify the action from only partially available videos.

Action Anticipation Autonomous Navigation

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