Search Results for author: Faxian Cao

Found 10 papers, 0 papers with code

A Novel Numerical Method for Relaxing the Minimal Configurations of TOA-Based Joint Sensors and Sources Localization

no code implementations13 Oct 2024 Faxian Cao, Yongqiang Cheng, Adil Mehmood Khan, Zhijing Yang, Yingxiu Chang

This work introduces a novel numerical method that relaxes the minimal configuration requirements for joint sensors and sources localization (JSSL) in 3D space using time of arrival (TOA) measurements.

Concerns for Self-Localization of Ad-Hoc Arrays Using Time Difference of Arrivals

no code implementations1 Aug 2024 Faxian Cao

This document presents some insights and observations regarding the paper that was published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP), titled "Self-Localization of Ad-Hoc Arrays Using Time Difference of Arrivals".

Low Rank Properties for Estimating Microphones Start Time and Sources Emission Time

no code implementations14 Jul 2023 Faxian Cao, Yongqiang Cheng, Adil Mehmood Khan, Zhijing Yang, S. M. Ahsan Kazmiand Yingxiu Chang

Utilizing this augmented low-rank structural information from both LRP and the proposed variants, we formulate four linear constraints on the UTIm.

Are Microphone Signals Alone Sufficient for Self-Positioning?

no code implementations19 May 2023 Faxian Cao, Yongqiang Cheng, Adil Mehmood Khan, Zhijing Yang

In an era where asynchronous environments pose challenges to traditional self-positioning methods, we propose a new transformation to the existing paradigm.

Justices for Information Bottleneck Theory

no code implementations19 May 2023 Faxian Cao, Yongqiang Cheng, Adil Mehmood Khan, Zhijing Yang

This study comes as a timely response to mounting criticism of the information bottleneck (IB) theory, injecting fresh perspectives to rectify misconceptions and reaffirm its validity.


Conditioning Optimization of Extreme Learning Machine by Multitask Beetle Antennae Swarm Algorithm

no code implementations22 Nov 2018 Xixian Zhang, Zhijing Yang, Faxian Cao, Jiangzhong Cao, Meilin Wang, Nian Cai

Extreme learning machine (ELM) as a simple and rapid neural network has been shown its good performance in various areas.

Does Normalization Methods Play a Role for Hyperspectral Image Classification?

no code implementations9 Oct 2017 Faxian Cao, Zhijing Yang, Jinchang Ren, Mengying Jiang, Wing-Kuen Ling

For Hyperspectral image (HSI) datasets, each class have their salient feature and classifiers classify HSI datasets according to the class's saliency features, however, there will be different salient features when use different normalization method.

Classification General Classification +1

Sparse Representation Based Augmented Multinomial Logistic Extreme Learning Machine with Weighted Composite Features for Spectral Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code implementations12 Sep 2017 Faxian Cao, Zhijing Yang, Jinchang Ren, Wing-Kuen Ling

To tackle these two problems, in this paper, we propose a new framework for ELM based spectral-spatial classification of HSI, where probabilistic modelling with sparse representation and weighted composite features (WCF) are employed respectively to derive the op-timized output weights and extract spatial features.

Classification General Classification +1

Extreme Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression: A Fast and Robust Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code implementations8 Sep 2017 Faxian Cao, Zhijing Yang, Jinchang Ren, Wing-Kuen Ling

Although the sparse multinomial logistic regression (SMLR) has provided a useful tool for sparse classification, it suffers from inefficacy in dealing with high dimensional features and manually set initial regressor values.

Attribute Classification +3

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