Search Results for author: Fearghal O'Donncha

Found 10 papers, 5 papers with code

Towards Automated Solution Recipe Generation for Industrial Asset Management with LLM

no code implementations26 Jul 2024 Nianjun Zhou, Dhaval Patel, Shuxin Lin, Fearghal O'Donncha

This study introduces a novel approach to Industrial Asset Management (IAM) by incorporating Conditional-Based Management (CBM) principles with the latest advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs).

Asset Management Recipe Generation

Causal Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (CTGCN)

no code implementations16 Mar 2023 Abigail Langbridge, Fearghal O'Donncha, Amadou Ba, Fabio Lorenzi, Christopher Lohse, Joern Ploennigs

Our CTGCN architecture is based on a causal discovery mechanism, and is capable of discovering the underlying causal processes.

Causal Discovery

Attention-based Domain Adaptation Forecasting of Streamflow in Data-Sparse Regions

1 code implementation10 Feb 2023 Roland Oruche, Fearghal O'Donncha

Streamflow forecasts are critical to guide water resource management, mitigate drought and flood effects, and develop climate-smart infrastructure and governance.

Domain Adaptation Management

A SWAT-based Reinforcement Learning Framework for Crop Management

1 code implementation10 Feb 2023 Malvern Madondo, Muneeza Azmat, Kelsey DiPietro, Raya Horesh, Michael Jacobs, Arun Bawa, Raghavan Srinivasan, Fearghal O'Donncha

Crop management involves a series of critical, interdependent decisions or actions in a complex and highly uncertain environment, which exhibit distinct spatial and temporal variations.

Benchmarking Decision Making +3

Transfer learning to improve streamflow forecasts in data sparse regions

no code implementations6 Dec 2021 Roland Oruche, Lisa Egede, Tracy Baker, Fearghal O'Donncha

In this paper, we study the methodology behind Transfer Learning (TL) through fine-tuning and parameter transferring for better generalization performance of streamflow prediction in data-sparse regions.

Management Transfer Learning

A spatio-temporal LSTM model to forecast across multiple temporal and spatial scales

1 code implementation26 Aug 2021 Yihao Hu, Fearghal O'Donncha, Paulito Palmes, Meredith Burke, Ramon Filgueira, Jon Grant

Enabling learning across the spatial and temporal directions, this paper addresses two fundamental challenges of ML applications to environmental science: 1) data sparsity and the challenges and costs of collecting measurements of environmental conditions such as ocean dynamics, and 2) environmental datasets are inherently connected in the spatial and temporal directions while classical ML approaches only consider one of these directions.

Missing Values Time Series Forecasting

Using Deep Learning to Extend the Range of Air-Pollution Monitoring and Forecasting

1 code implementation22 Oct 2018 Philipp Haehnel, Jakub Marecek, Julien Monteil, Fearghal O'Donncha

Across numerous applications, forecasting relies on numerical solvers for partial differential equations (PDEs).

A Machine Learning Framework to Forecast Wave Conditions

1 code implementation25 Sep 2017 Scott C. James, Yushan Zhang, Fearghal O'Donncha

These input data along with model outputs of spatially variable wave heights and characteristic period were aggregated into supervised learning training and test data sets, which were supplied to machine learning models.

Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics

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