Search Results for author: Fei Yan

Found 17 papers, 2 papers with code

Adaptive Frequency Enhancement Network for Single Image Deraining

no code implementations19 Jul 2024 Fei Yan, Yuhong He, Keyu Chen, En Cheng, Jikang Ma

We employ convolutions of different scales to adaptively decompose image frequency bands, introduce a feature enhancement module to boost the features of different frequency components and present a novel interaction module for interchanging and merging information from various frequency branches.

Image Enhancement Single Image Deraining

Solving the Model Unavailable MARE using Q-Learning Algorithm

no code implementations18 Jul 2024 Fei Yan, Jie Gao, Tao Feng, Jianxing Liu

In this paper, the discrete-time modified algebraic Riccati equation (MARE) is solved when the system model is completely unavailable.


First Mapping the Canopy Height of Primeval Forests in the Tallest Tree Area of Asia

no code implementations23 Apr 2024 Guangpeng Fan, Fei Yan, Xiangquan Zeng, Qingtao Xu, Ruoyoulan Wang, Binghong Zhang, Jialing Zhou, Liangliang Nan, Jinhu Wang, Zhiwei Zhang, Jia Wang

We proposed a method to map the canopy height of the primeval forest within the world-level giant tree distribution area by using a spaceborne LiDAR fusion satellite imagery (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI), ICESat-2, and Sentinel-2) driven deep learning modeling.

Exact WKB and the quantum Seiberg-Witten curve for 4d $N=2$ pure $SU(3)$ Yang-Mills, Part I: Abelianization

no code implementations31 Dec 2020 Fei Yan

We investigate the exact WKB method for the quantum Seiberg-Witten curve of 4d $N=2$ pure $SU(3)$ Yang-Mills, in the language of abelianization.

High Energy Physics - Theory

Lane detection in complex scenes based on end-to-end neural network

no code implementations26 Oct 2020 Wenbo Liu, Fei Yan, Kuan Tang, Jiyong Zhang, Tao Deng

So we combine the advantages of spatial convolution in spatial information processing and the efficiency of ERFNet in semantic segmentation, propose an end-to-end network to lane detection in a variety of complex scenes.

Decision Making Lane Detection +1

A Critical and Moving-Forward View on Quantum Image Processing

no code implementations15 Jun 2020 Fei Yan, Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca, Kaoru Hirota

Physics and computer science have a long tradition of cross-fertilization.

Indications for very high metallicity and absence of methane for the eccentric exo-Saturn WASP-117b

no code implementations9 Jun 2020 Ludmila Carone, Paul Mollière, Yifan Zhou, Jeroen Bouwman, Fei Yan, Robin Baeyens, Dániel Apai, Nestor Espinoza, Benjamin V. Rackham, Andrés Jordán, Daniel Angerhausen, Leen Decin, Monika Lendl, Olivia Venot, Thomas Henning

Using a 1D atmosphere model with isothermal temperature, uniform cloud deck and equilibrium chemistry, the Bayesian evidence of a retrieval analysis of the transmission spectrum indicates a preference for a high atmospheric metallicity ${\rm [Fe/H]}=2. 58^{+0. 26}_{-0. 37}$ and clear skies.

Earth and Planetary Astrophysics Solar and Stellar Astrophysics

Progressive Local Filter Pruning for Image Retrieval Acceleration

no code implementations24 Jan 2020 Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang

To verify this, we evaluate our method on two widely-used image retrieval datasets, i. e., Oxford5k and Paris6K, and one person re-identification dataset, i. e., Market-1501.

Image Retrieval Network Pruning +2

A Quantum Engineer's Guide to Superconducting Qubits

2 code implementations13 Apr 2019 Philip Krantz, Morten Kjaergaard, Fei Yan, Terry P. Orlando, Simon Gustavsson, William D. Oliver

The aim of this review is to provide quantum engineers with an introductory guide to the central concepts and challenges in the rapidly accelerating field of superconducting quantum circuits.

Quantum Physics Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics Applied Physics

Person Re-Identification with Vision and Language

no code implementations3 Oct 2017 Fei Yan, Krystian Mikolajczyk, Josef Kittler

We propose a joint vision and language model based on CCA and CNN architectures to match across the two modalities as well as to enrich visual examples for which there are no language descriptions.

Language Modelling Person Re-Identification

The BreakingNews Dataset

no code implementations WS 2017 Arnau Ramisa, Fei Yan, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Krystian Mikolajczyk

We present BreakingNews, a novel dataset with approximately 100K news articles including images, text and captions, and enriched with heterogeneous meta-data (e. g. GPS coordinates and popularity metrics).

Image Captioning Sentiment Analysis

BreakingNews: Article Annotation by Image and Text Processing

no code implementations23 Mar 2016 Arnau Ramisa, Fei Yan, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Krystian Mikolajczyk

Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis is deployed for article illustration, and a new loss function based on Great Circle Distance is proposed for geolocation.

Image Retrieval Retrieval +1

Deep Correlation for Matching Images and Text

no code implementations CVPR 2015 Fei Yan, Krystian Mikolajczyk

This paper addresses the problem of matching images and captions in a joint latent space learnt with deep canonical correlation analysis (DCCA).

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