Search Results for author: Fei Zhou

Found 34 papers, 21 papers with code

ADV2E: Bridging the Gap Between Analogue Circuit and Discrete Frames in the Video-to-Events Simulator

no code implementations19 Nov 2024 Xiao Jiang, Fei Zhou, Jiongzhi Lin

We incorporate the analogue properties of event camera pixel circuits into the simulator design: (1) analogue filtering of signals from light intensity to events, and (2) a cutoff frequency that is independent of video frame rate.

Image Reconstruction Semantic Segmentation

Meta-Exploiting Frequency Prior for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

no code implementations3 Nov 2024 Fei Zhou, Peng Wang, Lei Zhang, Zhenghua Chen, Wei Wei, Chen Ding, Guosheng Lin, Yanning Zhang

Meta-learning offers a promising avenue for few-shot learning (FSL), enabling models to glean a generalizable feature embedding through episodic training on synthetic FSL tasks in a source domain.

cross-domain few-shot learning

Grand canonical generative diffusion model for crystalline phases and grain boundaries

no code implementations28 Aug 2024 Bo Lei, Enze Chen, Hyuna Kwon, Tim Hsu, Babak Sadigh, Vincenzo Lordi, Timofey Frolov, Fei Zhou

The diffusion model has emerged as a powerful tool for generating atomic structures for materials science.

Geometric Distortion Guided Transformer for Omnidirectional Image Super-Resolution

no code implementations16 Jun 2024 Cuixin Yang, Rongkang Dong, Jun Xiao, Cong Zhang, Kin-Man Lam, Fei Zhou, Guoping Qiu

As virtual and augmented reality applications gain popularity, omnidirectional image (ODI) super-resolution has become increasingly important.

ERP Image Super-Resolution

Vision Language Modeling of Content, Distortion and Appearance for Image Quality Assessment

no code implementations14 Jun 2024 Fei Zhou, Tianhao Gu, Zhicong Huang, Guoping Qiu

The Text Annotated Distortion, Appearance and Content (TADAC) database has over 1. 6 million images annotated with textual descriptions of their semantic contents, distortion characteristics and appearance properties.

Image Quality Assessment Language Modeling +2

Characterization of dim light response in DVS pixel: Discontinuity of event triggering time

no code implementations27 Apr 2024 Xiao Jiang, Fei Zhou

Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVS) have recently generated great interest because of the advantages of wide dynamic range and low latency compared with conventional frame-based cameras.

LTAU-FF: Loss Trajectory Analysis for Uncertainty in Atomistic Force Fields

1 code implementation1 Feb 2024 Joshua A. Vita, Amit Samanta, Fei Zhou, Vincenzo Lordi

Model ensembles are effective tools for estimating prediction uncertainty in deep learning atomistic force fields.

Uncertainty Quantification

Spectroscopy-Guided Discovery of Three-Dimensional Structures of Disordered Materials with Diffusion Models

1 code implementation9 Dec 2023 Hyuna Kwon, Tim Hsu, Wenyu Sun, Wonseok Jeong, Fikret Aydin, James Chapman, Xiao Chen, Matthew R. Carbone, Deyu Lu, Fei Zhou, Tuan Anh Pham

In this work, we introduce a new framework based on the diffusion model, a recent generative machine learning method to predict 3D structures of disordered materials from a target property.

Linear normalised hash function for clustering gene sequences and identifying reference sequences from multiple sequence alignments

no code implementations29 Nov 2023 Manal Helal, Fanrong Kong, Sharon C-A Chen, Fei Zhou, Dominic E Dwyer, John Potter, Vitali Sintchenko

The combination of MSA with the linear mapping hash function is a computationally efficient way of gene sequence clustering and can be a valuable tool for the assessment of similarity, clustering of different microbial genomes, identifying reference sequences, and for the study of evolution of bacteria and viruses.

Clustering Dimensionality Reduction +1

Score dynamics: scaling molecular dynamics with picoseconds timestep via conditional diffusion model

1 code implementation2 Oct 2023 Tim Hsu, Babak Sadigh, Vasily Bulatov, Fei Zhou

Our current SD implementation is about two orders of magnitude faster than the MD counterpart for the systems studied in this work.

Denoising Graph Neural Network

Learning dislocation dynamics mobility laws from large-scale MD simulations

no code implementations25 Sep 2023 Nicolas Bertin, Vasily V. Bulatov, Fei Zhou

The computational method of discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD), used as a coarse-grained model of true atomistic dynamics of lattice dislocations, has become of powerful tool to study metal plasticity arising from the collective behavior of dislocations.

SpikingNeRF: Making Bio-inspired Neural Networks See through the Real World

1 code implementation20 Sep 2023 Xingting Yao, Qinghao Hu, Fei Zhou, Tielong Liu, Zitao Mo, Zeyu Zhu, Zhengyang Zhuge, Jian Cheng

In SpikingNeRF, each sampled point on the ray is matched to a particular time step and represented in a hybrid manner where the voxel grids are maintained as well.

Collaborative Auto-encoding for Blind Image Quality Assessment

1 code implementation24 May 2023 Zehong Zhou, Fei Zhou, Guoping Qiu

Blind image quality assessment (BIQA) is a challenging problem with important real-world applications.

Decoder Descriptive +1

Revisiting Prototypical Network for Cross Domain Few-Shot Learning

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Fei Zhou, Peng Wang, Lei Zhang, Wei Wei, Yanning Zhang

Prototypical Network is a popular few-shot solver that aims at establishing a feature metric generalizable to novel few-shot classification (FSC) tasks using deep neural networks.

cross-domain few-shot learning Knowledge Distillation

One-Stage Cascade Refinement Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection

2 code implementations16 Dec 2022 Yimian Dai, Xiang Li, Fei Zhou, Yulei Qian, Yaohong Chen, Jian Yang

Finally, we present a new research benchmark for infrared small target detection, consisting of the SIRST-V2 dataset of real-world, high-resolution single-frame targets, the normalized contrast evaluation metric, and the DeepInfrared toolkit for detection.

Score-based denoising for atomic structure identification

1 code implementation5 Dec 2022 Tim Hsu, Babak Sadigh, Nicolas Bertin, Cheol Woo Park, James Chapman, Vasily Bulatov, Fei Zhou

We propose an effective method for removing thermal vibrations that complicate the task of analyzing complex dynamics in atomistic simulation of condensed matter.

Denoising Template Matching

Aesthetically Relevant Image Captioning

1 code implementation25 Nov 2022 Zhipeng Zhong, Fei Zhou, Guoping Qiu

Based on the observation that most textual comments of an image are about objects and their interactions rather than aspects of aesthetics, we first introduce the concept of Aesthetic Relevance Score (ARS) of a sentence and have developed a model to automatically label a sentence with its ARS.

Image Captioning Sentence

HDRfeat: A Feature-Rich Network for High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction

no code implementations8 Nov 2022 Lingkai Zhu, Fei Zhou, Bozhi Liu, Orcun Göksel

A major challenge for high dynamic range (HDR) image reconstruction from multi-exposed low dynamic range (LDR) images, especially with dynamic scenes, is the extraction and merging of relevant contextual features in order to suppress any ghosting and blurring artifacts from moving objects.

HDR Reconstruction Image Reconstruction +1

Restoration of User Videos Shared on Social Media

1 code implementation18 Aug 2022 Hongming Luo, Fei Zhou, Kin-Man Lam, Guoping Qiu

This paper presents a new general video restoration framework for the restoration of user videos shared on social media platforms.

Video Restoration

Accelerating discrete dislocation dynamics simulations with graph neural networks

no code implementations5 Aug 2022 Nicolas Bertin, Fei Zhou

Discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) is a widely employed computational method to study plasticity at the mesoscale that connects the motion of dislocation lines to the macroscopic response of crystalline materials.

Graph Neural Network

SurroundNet: Towards Effective Low-Light Image Enhancement

1 code implementation11 Oct 2021 Fei Zhou, Xin Sun, Junyu Dong, Haoran Zhao, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Although Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) has made substantial progress in the low-light image enhancement task, one critical problem of CNNs is the paradox of model complexity and performance.

Low-Light Image Enhancement

Super-resolving Compressed Images via Parallel and Series Integration of Artifact Reduction and Resolution Enhancement

1 code implementation2 Mar 2021 Hongming Luo, Fei Zhou, Guangsen Liao, Guoping Qiu

Based on a mathematical inference model for estimating a clean low-resolution (LR) image and a clean high-resolution (HR) image from a down-sampled and compressed observation, we have designed a CISR architecture consisting of two deep neural network modules: the artefacts removal module (ARM) and the resolution enhancement module (REM).

Compressed Image Super-resolution Image Super-Resolution

VHS to HDTV Video Translation using Multi-task Adversarial Learning

no code implementations7 Jan 2021 Hongming Luo, Guangsen Liao, Xianxu Hou, Bozhi Liu, Fei Zhou, Guoping Qiu

In this paper, we focus on the problem of translating VHS video to HDTV video and have developed a solution based on a novel unsupervised multi-task adversarial learning model.

Generative Adversarial Network Super-Resolution +1

Attentional Local Contrast Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection

2 code implementations15 Dec 2020 Yimian Dai, Yiquan Wu, Fei Zhou, Kobus Barnard

To mitigate the issue of minimal intrinsic features for pure data-driven methods, in this paper, we propose a novel model-driven deep network for infrared small target detection, which combines discriminative networks and conventional model-driven methods to make use of both labeled data and the domain knowledge.

Meta-Generating Deep Attentive Metric for Few-shot Classification

no code implementations3 Dec 2020 Lei Zhang, Fei Zhou, Wei Wei, Yanning Zhang

To mitigate this problem, we present a novel deep metric meta-generation method that turns to an orthogonal direction, ie, learning to adaptively generate a specific metric for a new FSL task based on the task description (eg, a few labelled samples).

Classification Few-Shot Learning +1

Towards Disentangling Latent Space for Unsupervised Semantic Face Editing

1 code implementation5 Nov 2020 Kanglin Liu, Gaofeng Cao, Fei Zhou, Bozhi Liu, Jiang Duan, Guoping Qiu

In this paper, we present a new technique termed Structure-Texture Independent Architecture with Weight Decomposition and Orthogonal Regularization (STIA-WO) to disentangle the latent space for unsupervised semantic face editing.

Attribute Image Generation

Asymmetric Contextual Modulation for Infrared Small Target Detection

5 code implementations30 Sep 2020 Yimian Dai, Yiquan Wu, Fei Zhou, Kobus Barnard

Single-frame infrared small target detection remains a challenge not only due to the scarcity of intrinsic target characteristics but also because of lacking a public dataset.

Tricritical physics in two-dimensional $p$-wave superfluids

no code implementations16 Jan 2020 Fan Yang, Shao-Jian Jiang, Fei Zhou

When strong quantum fluctuations near resonance are taken into account, the line of continuous phase transitions terminates at two multicritical points near resonance, between which the transitions are expected to be first-order ones.

Quantum Gases

Spectral Regularization for Combating Mode Collapse in GANs

2 code implementations ICCV 2019 Kanglin Liu, Wenming Tang, Fei Zhou, Guoping Qiu

Theoretical analysis shows that the optimal solution to the discriminator has a strong relationship to the spectral distributions of the weight matrix. Therefore, we monitor the spectral distribution in the discriminator of spectral normalized GANs (SN-GANs), and discover a phenomenon which we refer to as spectral collapse, where a large number of singular values of the weight matrices drop dramatically when mode collapse occurs.

Semi-parametric Bayesian variable selection for gene-environment interactions

3 code implementations3 Jun 2019 Jie Ren, Fei Zhou, Xiaoxi Li, Qi Chen, Hongmei Zhang, Shuangge Ma, Yu Jiang, Cen Wu

Existing Bayesian methods for G$\times$E interaction studies are challenged by the high-dimensional nature of the study and the complexity of environmental influences.


Compressive sensing lattice dynamics. I. General formalism

1 code implementation22 May 2018 Fei Zhou, Weston Nielson, Yi Xia, Vidvuds Ozolins

{\it Ab initio\/} calculations have been successfully used for evaluating lattice dynamical properties of solids within the (quasi-)harmonic approximation (i. e., assuming non-interacting phonons with infinite lifetimes), but it remains difficult to treat anharmonicity in all but the simplest compounds.

Computational Physics Materials Science

Compressive sensing lattice dynamics. II. Efficient phonon calculations and long-range interactions

1 code implementation22 May 2018 Fei Zhou, Babak Sadigh, Daniel Aberg, Yi Xia, Vidvuds Ozolins

We apply the compressive sensing lattice dynamics (CSLD) method to calculate phonon dispersion for crystalline solids.

Materials Science

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