Search Results for author: Feifei Zhao

Found 18 papers, 3 papers with code

Autonomous Alignment with Human Value on Altruism through Considerate Self-imagination and Theory of Mind

1 code implementation31 Dec 2024 Haibo Tong, Enmeng Lu, Yinqian Sun, Zhengqiang Han, Chao Liu, Feifei Zhao, Yi Zeng

With the widespread application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in human society, enabling AI to autonomously align with human values has become a pressing issue to ensure its sustainable development and benefit to humanity.

Evolving Efficient Genetic Encoding for Deep Spiking Neural Networks

no code implementations11 Nov 2024 Wenxuan Pan, Feifei Zhao, Bing Han, Haibo Tong, Yi Zeng

By exploiting discrete signal processing and simulating brain neuron communication, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) offer a low-energy alternative to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).

Similarity-based context aware continual learning for spiking neural networks

1 code implementation28 Oct 2024 Bing Han, Feifei Zhao, Yang Li, Qingqun Kong, Xianqi Li, Yi Zeng

Additionally, our algorithm has the capability to adaptively select similar groups of neurons for related tasks, offering a promising approach to enhancing the biological interpretability of efficient continual learning.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +1

Directly Training Temporal Spiking Neural Network with Sparse Surrogate Gradient

no code implementations28 Jun 2024 Yang Li, Feifei Zhao, Dongcheng Zhao, Yi Zeng

Brain-inspired Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have attracted much attention due to their event-based computing and energy-efficient features.

Adaptive Reorganization of Neural Pathways for Continual Learning with Spiking Neural Networks

no code implementations18 Sep 2023 Bing Han, Feifei Zhao, Wenxuan Pan, Zhaoya Zhao, Xianqi Li, Qingqun Kong, Yi Zeng

In this paper, we propose a brain-inspired continual learning algorithm with adaptive reorganization of neural pathways, which employs Self-Organizing Regulation networks to reorganize the single and limited Spiking Neural Network (SOR-SNN) into rich sparse neural pathways to efficiently cope with incremental tasks.

Continual Learning

Brain-inspired Evolutionary Architectures for Spiking Neural Networks

no code implementations11 Sep 2023 Wenxuan Pan, Feifei Zhao, Zhuoya Zhao, Yi Zeng

This work explores brain-inspired neural architectures suitable for SNNs and also provides preliminary insights into the evolutionary mechanisms of biological neural networks in the human brain.

Learning the Plasticity: Plasticity-Driven Learning Framework in Spiking Neural Networks

no code implementations23 Aug 2023 Guobin Shen, Dongcheng Zhao, Yiting Dong, Yang Li, Feifei Zhao, Yi Zeng

This shift in focus from weight adjustment to mastering the intricacies of synaptic change offers a more flexible and dynamic pathway for neural networks to evolve and adapt.

Enhancing Efficient Continual Learning with Dynamic Structure Development of Spiking Neural Networks

1 code implementation9 Aug 2023 Bing Han, Feifei Zhao, Yi Zeng, Wenxuan Pan, Guobin Shen

In addition, the overlapping shared structure helps to quickly leverage all acquired knowledge to new tasks, empowering a single network capable of supporting multiple incremental tasks (without the separate sub-network mask for each task).

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +1

Multi-scale Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search for Deep Spiking Neural Networks

no code implementations21 Apr 2023 Wenxuan Pan, Feifei Zhao, Guobin Shen, Yi Zeng

The neural motifs topology, modular regional structure and global cross-brain region connection of the human brain are the product of natural evolution and can serve as a perfect reference for designing brain-inspired SNN architecture.

Neural Architecture Search

Adaptive structure evolution and biologically plausible synaptic plasticity for recurrent spiking neural networks

no code implementations31 Mar 2023 Wenxuan Pan, Feifei Zhao, Yi Zeng, Bing Han

For structural evolution, an adaptive evolvable LSM model is developed to optimize the neural architecture design of liquid layer with separation property.

Decision Making

Multi-compartment Neuron and Population Encoding improved Spiking Neural Network for Deep Distributional Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations18 Jan 2023 Yinqian Sun, Yi Zeng, Feifei Zhao, Zhuoya Zhao

In this paper, we proposed a brain-inspired SNN-based deep distributional reinforcement learning algorithm with combination of bio-inspired multi-compartment neuron (MCN) model and population coding method.

Atari Games Distributional Reinforcement Learning +3

A Brain-inspired Memory Transformation based Differentiable Neural Computer for Reasoning-based Question Answering

no code implementations7 Jan 2023 Yao Liang, Hongjian Fang, Yi Zeng, Feifei Zhao

Reasoning and question answering as a basic cognitive function for humans, is nevertheless a great challenge for current artificial intelligence.

Question Answering

Developmental Plasticity-inspired Adaptive Pruning for Deep Spiking and Artificial Neural Networks

no code implementations23 Nov 2022 Bing Han, Feifei Zhao, Yi Zeng, Guobin Shen

Developmental plasticity plays a prominent role in shaping the brain's structure during ongoing learning in response to dynamically changing environments.

Adaptive Sparse Structure Development with Pruning and Regeneration for Spiking Neural Networks

no code implementations22 Nov 2022 Bing Han, Feifei Zhao, Yi Zeng, Wenxuan Pan

Experimental results on spatial (MNIST, CIFAR-10) and temporal neuromorphic (N-MNIST, DVS-Gesture) datasets demonstrate that our method can flexibly learn appropriate compression rate for various tasks and effectively achieve superior performance while massively reducing the network energy consumption.

BrainCog: A Spiking Neural Network based Brain-inspired Cognitive Intelligence Engine for Brain-inspired AI and Brain Simulation

no code implementations18 Jul 2022 Yi Zeng, Dongcheng Zhao, Feifei Zhao, Guobin Shen, Yiting Dong, Enmeng Lu, Qian Zhang, Yinqian Sun, Qian Liang, Yuxuan Zhao, Zhuoya Zhao, Hongjian Fang, Yuwei Wang, Yang Li, Xin Liu, Chengcheng Du, Qingqun Kong, Zizhe Ruan, Weida Bi

These brain-inspired AI models have been effectively validated on various supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning tasks, and they can be used to enable AI models to be with multiple brain-inspired cognitive functions.

Decision Making

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