Search Results for author: Feihong Lu

Found 1 papers, 0 papers with code

MIKO: Multimodal Intention Knowledge Distillation from Large Language Models for Social-Media Commonsense Discovery

no code implementations28 Feb 2024 Feihong Lu, Weiqi Wang, Yangyifei Luo, Ziqin Zhu, Qingyun Sun, Baixuan Xu, Haochen Shi, Shiqi Gao, Qian Li, Yangqiu Song, JianXin Li

However, understanding the intention behind social media posts remains challenging due to the implicitness of intentions in social media posts, the need for cross-modality understanding of both text and images, and the presence of noisy information such as hashtags, misspelled words, and complicated abbreviations.

Knowledge Distillation Language Modeling +4

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