Search Results for author: Feiyang Chen

Found 13 papers, 7 papers with code

MSceneSpeech: A Multi-Scene Speech Dataset For Expressive Speech Synthesis

no code implementations19 Jul 2024 Qian Yang, Jialong Zuo, Zhe Su, Ziyue Jiang, Mingze Li, Zhou Zhao, Feiyang Chen, Zhefeng Wang, Baoxing Huai

We introduce an open source high-quality Mandarin TTS dataset MSceneSpeech (Multiple Scene Speech Dataset), which is intended to provide resources for expressive speech synthesis.

Expressive Speech Synthesis

Werewolf Arena: A Case Study in LLM Evaluation via Social Deduction

1 code implementation18 Jul 2024 Suma Bailis, Jane Friedhoff, Feiyang Chen

This paper introduces Werewolf Arena, a novel framework for evaluating large language models (LLMs) through the lens of the classic social deduction game, Werewolf.

Comprehensive Survey of Model Compression and Speed up for Vision Transformers

no code implementations16 Apr 2024 Feiyang Chen, Ziqian Luo, Lisang Zhou, Xueting Pan, Ying Jiang

Vision Transformers (ViT) have marked a paradigm shift in computer vision, outperforming state-of-the-art models across diverse tasks.

Computational Efficiency Edge-computing +3

StyleSinger: Style Transfer for Out-of-Domain Singing Voice Synthesis

1 code implementation17 Dec 2023 Yu Zhang, Rongjie Huang, RuiQi Li, Jinzheng He, Yan Xia, Feiyang Chen, Xinyu Duan, Baoxing Huai, Zhou Zhao

Moreover, existing SVS methods encounter a decline in the quality of synthesized singing voices in OOD scenarios, as they rest upon the assumption that the target vocal attributes are discernible during the training phase.

Quantization Singing Voice Synthesis +1

TextrolSpeech: A Text Style Control Speech Corpus With Codec Language Text-to-Speech Models

1 code implementation28 Aug 2023 Shengpeng Ji, Jialong Zuo, Minghui Fang, Ziyue Jiang, Feiyang Chen, Xinyu Duan, Baoxing Huai, Zhou Zhao

The dataset comprises 236, 220 pairs of style prompt in natural text descriptions with five style factors and corresponding speech samples.

Language Modelling Text to Speech

Multi-Singer: Fast Multi-Singer Singing Voice Vocoder With A Large-Scale Corpus

2 code implementations MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2021 Rongjie Huang, Feiyang Chen, Yi Ren, Jinglin Liu, Chenye Cui, Zhou Zhao

High-fidelity multi-singer singing voice synthesis is challenging for neural vocoder due to the singing voice data shortage, limited singer generalization, and large computational cost.

Audio Generation Singing Voice Synthesis +1

EMOVIE: A Mandarin Emotion Speech Dataset with a Simple Emotional Text-to-Speech Model

no code implementations17 Jun 2021 Chenye Cui, Yi Ren, Jinglin Liu, Feiyang Chen, Rongjie Huang, Ming Lei, Zhou Zhao

Finally, by showing a comparable performance in the emotional speech synthesis task, we successfully demonstrate the ability of the proposed model.

Emotional Speech Synthesis Emotion Classification +1

DiffSinger: Singing Voice Synthesis via Shallow Diffusion Mechanism

8 code implementations6 May 2021 Jinglin Liu, Chengxi Li, Yi Ren, Feiyang Chen, Zhou Zhao

Singing voice synthesis (SVS) systems are built to synthesize high-quality and expressive singing voice, in which the acoustic model generates the acoustic features (e. g., mel-spectrogram) given a music score.

Generative Adversarial Network Singing Voice Synthesis +2

BridgeDPI: A Novel Graph Neural Network for Predicting Drug-Protein Interactions

1 code implementation29 Jan 2021 Yifan Wu, Min Gao, Min Zeng, Feiyang Chen, Min Li, Jie Zhang

Therefore, we hope to develop a novel supervised learning method to learn the PPAs and DDAs effectively and thereby improve the prediction performance of the specific task of DPI.

Drug Discovery Graph Neural Network

Complementary Fusion of Multi-Features and Multi-Modalities in Sentiment Analysis

3 code implementations17 Apr 2019 Feiyang Chen, Ziqian Luo, Yanyan Xu, Dengfeng Ke

Therefore, in this paper, based on audio and text, we consider the task of multimodal sentiment analysis and propose a novel fusion strategy including both multi-feature fusion and multi-modality fusion to improve the accuracy of audio-text sentiment analysis.

Multimodal Emotion Recognition Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

Learning Robust Heterogeneous Signal Features from Parallel Neural Network for Audio Sentiment Analysis

no code implementations20 Nov 2018 Feiyang Chen, Ziqian Luo

Audio Sentiment Analysis is a popular research area which extends the conventional text-based sentiment analysis to depend on the effectiveness of acoustic features extracted from speech.

Sentiment Analysis

Assessing four Neural Networks on Handwritten Digit Recognition Dataset (MNIST)

no code implementations16 Nov 2018 Feiyang Chen, Nan Chen, Hanyang Mao, Hanlin Hu

Another inspiring result is that CapsNet only needs a small amount of data to get excellent performance.

Handwritten Digit Recognition

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