Search Results for author: Felix Krahmer

Found 13 papers, 1 papers with code

Non-Asymptotic Uncertainty Quantification in High-Dimensional Learning

1 code implementation18 Jul 2024 Frederik Hoppe, Claudio Mayrink Verdun, Hannah Laus, Felix Krahmer, Holger Rauhut

We develop a new data-driven approach for UQ in regression that applies both to classical regression approaches such as the LASSO as well as to neural networks.

regression Uncertainty Quantification

High-Dimensional Confidence Regions in Sparse MRI

no code implementations18 Jul 2024 Frederik Hoppe, Felix Krahmer, Claudio Mayrink Verdun, Marion Menzel, Holger Rauhut

One of the most promising solutions for uncertainty quantification in high-dimensional statistics is the debiased LASSO that relies on unconstrained $\ell_1$-minimization.

Compressive Sensing Uncertainty Quantification

The Mathematics of Dots and Pixels: On the Theoretical Foundations of Image Halftoning

no code implementations18 Jun 2024 Felix Krahmer, Anna Veselovska

A second class of methods that we discuss in detail is the class of error diffusion schemes, arguably among the most popular halftoning techniques due to their ability to work directly on a pixel grid and their ease of application.

Uncertainty quantification for learned ISTA

no code implementations14 Sep 2023 Frederik Hoppe, Claudio Mayrink Verdun, Felix Krahmer, Hannah Laus, Holger Rauhut

Model-based deep learning solutions to inverse problems have attracted increasing attention in recent years as they bridge state-of-the-art numerical performance with interpretability.

Uncertainty Quantification

Approximating Positive Homogeneous Functions with Scale Invariant Neural Networks

no code implementations5 Aug 2023 Stefan Bamberger, Reinhard Heckel, Felix Krahmer

Furthermore, we also consider the approximation of general positive homogeneous functions with neural networks.

How robust is randomized blind deconvolution via nuclear norm minimization against adversarial noise?

no code implementations17 Mar 2023 Julia Kostin, Felix Krahmer, Dominik Stöger

Reformulation of blind deconvolution as a low-rank recovery problem has led to multiple theoretical recovery guarantees in the past decade due to the success of the nuclear norm minimization heuristic.

The Modulo Radon Transform: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

no code implementations10 May 2021 Matthias Beckmann, Ayush Bhandari, Felix Krahmer

Taking a computational imaging approach to the HDR tomography problem, we here suggest a new model based on the Modulo Radon Transform (MRT), which we rigorously introduce and analyze.

On the convex geometry of blind deconvolution and matrix completion

no code implementations28 Feb 2019 Felix Krahmer, Dominik Stöger

We find that for both these applications the dimension factors in the noise bounds are not an artifact of the proof, but the problems are intrinsically badly conditioned.

Matrix Completion

On Recovery Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds

no code implementations17 Jul 2018 Mark A. Iwen, Felix Krahmer, Sara Krause-Solberg, Johannes Maly

This paper studies the problem of recovering a signal from one-bit compressed sensing measurements under a manifold model; that is, assuming that the signal lies on or near a manifold of low intrinsic dimension.

Information Theory Information Theory

Are good local minima wide in sparse recovery?

no code implementations21 Jun 2018 Michael Moeller, Otmar Loffeld, Juergen Gall, Felix Krahmer

The idea of compressed sensing is to exploit representations in suitable (overcomplete) dictionaries that allow to recover signals far beyond the Nyquist rate provided that they admit a sparse representation in the respective dictionary.

Stable and robust sampling strategies for compressive imaging

no code implementations8 Oct 2012 Felix Krahmer, Rachel Ward

For Fourier measurements and Haar wavelet sparsity, the local coherence can be controlled and bounded explicitly, so for matrices comprised of frequencies sampled from a suitable inverse square power-law density, we can prove the restricted isometry property with near-optimal embedding dimensions.

Compressive Sensing Image Reconstruction

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