Search Results for author: Felix Ming Fai Wong

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Adaptive Reduced Rank Regression

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Qiong Wu, Felix Ming Fai Wong, Zhenming Liu, Yanhua Li, Varun Kanade

We study the low rank regression problem $\my = M\mx + \epsilon$, where $\mx$ and $\my$ are $d_1$ and $d_2$ dimensional vectors respectively.


Stock Market Prediction from WSJ: Text Mining via Sparse Matrix Factorization

no code implementations27 Jun 2014 Felix Ming Fai Wong, Zhenming Liu, Mung Chiang

We revisit the problem of predicting directional movements of stock prices based on news articles: here our algorithm uses daily articles from The Wall Street Journal to predict the closing stock prices on the same day.

Stock Market Prediction

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