Search Results for author: Felix Wang

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Decomposing spiking neural networks with Graphical Neural Activity Threads

no code implementations29 Jun 2023 Bradley H. Theilman, Felix Wang, Fred Rothganger, James B. Aimone

A satisfactory understanding of information processing in spiking neural networks requires appropriate computational abstractions of neural activity.

Distributed Compressed Sparse Row Format for Spiking Neural Network Simulation, Serialization, and Interoperability

no code implementations12 Apr 2023 Felix Wang

In response to this, we discuss a parallel extension of a widely used format for efficiently representing sparse matrices, the compressed sparse row (CSR), in the context of supporting the simulation and serialization of large-scale SNNs.

graph partitioning Neural Network simulation

MIKE - Multi-task Implicit Knowledge Embeddings by Autoencoding through a Shared Input Space

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Ryan Anthony Dellana, William Severa, Felix Wang, Esteban J Guillen, Jaimie Murdock

In this work, we introduce a method of learning Multi-task Implicit Knowledge Embeddings (MIKE) from a set of source (or "teacher") networks by autoencoding through a shared input space.

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