Search Results for author: Filip Skwarski

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

The AI Settlement Generation Challenge in Minecraft: First Year Report

no code implementations27 Mar 2021 Christoph Salge, Michael Cerny Green, Rodrigo Canaan, Filip Skwarski, Rafael Fritsch, Adrian Brightmoore, Shaofang Ye, Changxing Cao, Julian Togelius

This article outlines what we learned from the first year of the AI Settlement Generation Competition in Minecraft, a competition about producing AI programs that can generate interesting settlements in Minecraft for an unseen map.


Walenty: Towards a comprehensive valence dictionary of Polish

no code implementations LREC 2014 Adam Przepi{\'o}rkowski, El{\.z}bieta Hajnicz, Agnieszka Patejuk, Marcin Woli{\'n}ski, Filip Skwarski, Marek {\'S}widzi{\'n}ski

This paper presents Walenty, a comprehensive valence dictionary of Polish, with a number of novel features, as compared to other such dictionaries.

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