Search Results for author: Firas Khader

Found 16 papers, 12 papers with code

On Instabilities of Unsupervised Denoising Diffusion Models in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction

no code implementations23 Jun 2024 Tianyu Han, Sven Nebelung, Firas Khader, Jakob Nikolas Kather, Daniel Truhn

Denoising diffusion models offer a promising approach to accelerating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and producing diagnostic-level images in an unsupervised manner.

Denoising Image Reconstruction

Cascaded Cross-Attention Networks for Data-Efficient Whole-Slide Image Classification Using Transformers

no code implementations11 May 2023 Firas Khader, Jakob Nikolas Kather, Tianyu Han, Sven Nebelung, Christiane Kuhl, Johannes Stegmaier, Daniel Truhn

However, while the conventional transformer allows for a simultaneous processing of a large set of input tokens, the computational demand scales quadratically with the number of input tokens and thus quadratically with the number of image patches.

Image Classification whole slide images

Transformers for CT Reconstruction From Monoplanar and Biplanar Radiographs

no code implementations11 May 2023 Firas Khader, Gustav Müller-Franzes, Tianyu Han, Sven Nebelung, Christiane Kuhl, Johannes Stegmaier, Daniel Truhn

X-rays are widely available and even if the CT reconstructed from these radiographs is not a replacement of a complete CT in the diagnostic setting, it might serve to spare the patients from radiation where a CT is only acquired for rough measurements such as determining organ size.

Computed Tomography (CT) CT Reconstruction

Medical Diffusion: Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for 3D Medical Image Generation

1 code implementation7 Nov 2022 Firas Khader, Gustav Mueller-Franzes, Soroosh Tayebi Arasteh, Tianyu Han, Christoph Haarburger, Maximilian Schulze-Hagen, Philipp Schad, Sandy Engelhardt, Bettina Baessler, Sebastian Foersch, Johannes Stegmaier, Christiane Kuhl, Sven Nebelung, Jakob Nikolas Kather, Daniel Truhn

Furthermore, we demonstrate that synthetic images can be used in a self-supervised pre-training and improve the performance of breast segmentation models when data is scarce (dice score 0. 91 vs. 0. 95 without vs. with synthetic data).

Computed Tomography (CT) Denoising +3

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