Search Results for author: Florian Frantzen

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Topological Trajectory Classification and Landmark Inference on Simplicial Complexes

no code implementations4 Dec 2024 Vincent P. Grande, Josef Hoppe, Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub

Specifically, given a set of labelled trajectories, which we interpret as edge-flows on the underlying simplicial complex, we search for 2-simplices whose deletion results in an optimal separation of the trajectory labels according to the corresponding spectral embedding of the trajectories into the harmonic space.

Learning From Simplicial Data Based on Random Walks and 1D Convolutions

1 code implementation4 Apr 2024 Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub

Triggered by limitations of graph-based deep learning methods in terms of computational expressivity and model flexibility, recent years have seen a surge of interest in computational models that operate on higher-order topological domains such as hypergraphs and simplicial complexes.

Signal Processing on Product Spaces

no code implementations18 Mar 2023 T. Mitchell Roddenberry, Vincent P. Grande, Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra

We establish a framework for signal processing on product spaces of simplicial and cellular complexes.

Outlier Detection for Trajectories via Flow-embeddings

1 code implementation25 Nov 2021 Florian Frantzen, Jean-Baptiste Seby, Michael T. Schaub

Here we consider trajectories as edge-flow vectors defined on a simplicial complex, a higher-order generalization of graphs, and use the Hodge 1-Laplacian of the simplicial complex to derive embeddings of these edge-flows.

Outlier Detection

Hodgelets: Localized Spectral Representations of Flows on Simplicial Complexes

no code implementations17 Sep 2021 T. Mitchell Roddenberry, Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra

We first show that the Hodge Laplacian can be used in lieu of the graph Laplacian to construct a family of wavelets for higher-order signals on simplicial complexes.

Signal processing on simplicial complexes

no code implementations14 Jun 2021 Michael T. Schaub, Jean-Baptiste Seby, Florian Frantzen, T. Mitchell Roddenberry, Yu Zhu, Santiago Segarra

Higher-order networks have so far been considered primarily in the context of studying the structure of complex systems, i. e., the higher-order or multi-way relations connecting the constituent entities.

Denoising Time Series +1

The Effects of Randomness on the Stability of Node Embeddings

2 code implementations20 May 2020 Tobias Schumacher, Hinrikus Wolf, Martin Ritzert, Florian Lemmerich, Jan Bachmann, Florian Frantzen, Max Klabunde, Martin Grohe, Markus Strohmaier

We systematically evaluate the (in-)stability of state-of-the-art node embedding algorithms due to randomness, i. e., the random variation of their outcomes given identical algorithms and graphs.

General Classification Node Classification

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