Search Results for author: Florian Marquardt

Found 11 papers, 9 papers with code

Quantum Equilibrium Propagation for efficient training of quantum systems based on Onsager reciprocity

1 code implementation10 Jun 2024 Clara C. Wanjura, Florian Marquardt

The widespread adoption of machine learning and artificial intelligence in all branches of science and technology has created a need for energy-efficient, alternative hardware platforms.

Training Coupled Phase Oscillators as a Neuromorphic Platform using Equilibrium Propagation

1 code implementation13 Feb 2024 Qingshan Wang, Clara C. Wanjura, Florian Marquardt

Given the rapidly growing scale and resource requirements of machine learning applications, the idea of building more efficient learning machines much closer to the laws of physics is an attractive proposition.

Optimizing ZX-Diagrams with Deep Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation30 Nov 2023 Maximilian Nägele, Florian Marquardt

ZX-diagrams are a powerful graphical language for the description of quantum processes with applications in fundamental quantum mechanics, quantum circuit optimization, tensor network simulation, and many more.

Decision Making reinforcement-learning

Deep Bayesian Experimental Design for Quantum Many-Body Systems

1 code implementation26 Jun 2023 Leopoldo Sarra, Florian Marquardt

Bayesian experimental design is a technique that allows to efficiently select measurements to characterize a physical system by maximizing the expected information gain.

Experimental Design

Investigation of inverse design of multilayer thin-films with conditional invertible Neural Networks

no code implementations10 Oct 2022 Alexander Luce, Ali Mahdavi, Heribert Wankerl, Florian Marquardt

The task of designing optical multilayer thin-films regarding a given target is currently solved using gradient-based optimization in conjunction with methods that can introduce additional thin-film layers.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Quantum Technologies

1 code implementation7 Aug 2022 Mario Krenn, Jonas Landgraf, Thomas Foesel, Florian Marquardt

In recent years, the dramatic progress in machine learning has begun to impact many areas of science and technology significantly.

TMM-Fast: A Transfer Matrix Computation Package for Multilayer Thin-Film Optimization

1 code implementation24 Nov 2021 Alexander Luce, Ali Mahdavi, Florian Marquardt, Heribert Wankerl

Achieving the desired optical response from a multilayer thin-film structure over a broad range of wavelengths and angles of incidence can be challenging.

OpenAI Gym

Self-learning Machines based on Hamiltonian Echo Backpropagation

1 code implementation8 Mar 2021 Victor Lopez-Pastor, Florian Marquardt

A physical self-learning machine can be defined as a nonlinear dynamical system that can be trained on data (similar to artificial neural networks), but where the update of the internal degrees of freedom that serve as learnable parameters happens autonomously.


Renormalized Mutual Information for Artificial Scientific Discovery

1 code implementation4 May 2020 Leopoldo Sarra, Andrea Aiello, Florian Marquardt

We derive a well-defined renormalized version of mutual information that allows to estimate the dependence between continuous random variables in the important case when one is deterministically dependent on the other.

Dimensionality Reduction scientific discovery

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