Search Results for author: Fons Verbeek

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Visualizing, Analyzing and Constructing L-System from Arborized 3D Model Using a Web Application

no code implementations11 Mar 2024 Nick van Nielen, Fons Verbeek, Lu Cao

The focus of this paper is to combine 3D visualization, analysis and L-system abstraction into a single web application.

Joint Registration and Segmentation via Multi-Task Learning for Adaptive Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer

no code implementations5 May 2021 Mohamed S. Elmahdy, Laurens Beljaards, Sahar Yousefi, Hessam Sokooti, Fons Verbeek, U. A. van der Heide, Marius Staring

In this paper, we formulate registration and segmentation as a joint problem via a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) setting, allowing these tasks to leverage their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses through the sharing of beneficial information.

Image Registration Medical Image Analysis +2

A Cross-Stitch Architecture for Joint Registration and Segmentation in Adaptive Radiotherapy

no code implementations MIDL 2019 Laurens Beljaards, Mohamed S. Elmahdy, Fons Verbeek, Marius Staring

The obtained performance as well as the inference speed make this a promising candidate for daily re-contouring in adaptive radiotherapy, potentially reducing treatment-related side effects and improving quality-of-life after treatment.


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