1 code implementation • 20 Nov 2024 • Yoel Zimmermann, Adib Bazgir, Zartashia Afzal, Fariha Agbere, Qianxiang Ai, Nawaf Alampara, Alexander Al-Feghali, Mehrad Ansari, Dmytro Antypov, Amro Aswad, Jiaru Bai, Viktoriia Baibakova, Devi Dutta Biswajeet, Erik Bitzek, Joshua D. Bocarsly, Anna Borisova, Andres M Bran, L. Catherine Brinson, Marcel Moran Calderon, Alessandro Canalicchio, Victor Chen, Yuan Chiang, Defne Circi, Benjamin Charmes, Vikrant Chaudhary, Zizhang Chen, Min-Hsueh Chiu, Judith Clymo, Kedar Dabhadkar, Nathan Daelman, Archit Datar, Wibe A. de Jong, Matthew L. Evans, Maryam Ghazizade Fard, Giuseppe Fisicaro, Abhijeet Sadashiv Gangan, Janine George, Jose D. Cojal Gonzalez, Michael Götte, Ankur K. Gupta, Hassan Harb, Pengyu Hong, Abdelrahman Ibrahim, Ahmed Ilyas, Alishba Imran, Kevin Ishimwe, Ramsey Issa, Kevin Maik Jablonka, Colin Jones, Tyler R. Josephson, Greg Juhasz, Sarthak Kapoor, Rongda Kang, Ghazal Khalighinejad, Sartaaj Khan, Sascha Klawohn, Suneel Kuman, Alvin Noe Ladines, Sarom Leang, Magdalena Lederbauer, Sheng-Lun, Liao, Hao liu, Xuefeng Liu, Stanley Lo, Sandeep Madireddy, Piyush Ranjan Maharana, Shagun Maheshwari, Soroush Mahjoubi, José A. Márquez, Rob Mills, Trupti Mohanty, Bernadette Mohr, Seyed Mohamad Moosavi, Alexander Moßhammer, Amirhossein D. Naghdi, Aakash Naik, Oleksandr Narykov, Hampus Näsström, Xuan Vu Nguyen, Xinyi Ni, Dana O'Connor, Teslim Olayiwola, Federico Ottomano, Aleyna Beste Ozhan, Sebastian Pagel, Chiku Parida, Jaehee Park, Vraj Patel, Elena Patyukova, Martin Hoffmann Petersen, Luis Pinto, José M. Pizarro, Dieter Plessers, Tapashree Pradhan, Utkarsh Pratiush, Charishma Puli, Andrew Qin, Mahyar Rajabi, Francesco Ricci, Elliot Risch, Martiño Ríos-García, Aritra Roy, Tehseen Rug, Hasan M Sayeed, Markus Scheidgen, Mara Schilling-Wilhelmi, Marcel Schloz, Fabian Schöppach, Julia Schumann, Philippe Schwaller, Marcus Schwarting, Samiha Sharlin, Kevin Shen, Jiale Shi, Pradip Si, Jennifer D'Souza, Taylor Sparks, Suraj Sudhakar, Leopold Talirz, Dandan Tang, Olga Taran, Carla Terboven, Mark Tropin, Anastasiia Tsymbal, Katharina Ueltzen, Pablo Andres Unzueta, Archit Vasan, Tirtha Vinchurkar, Trung Vo, Gabriel Vogel, Christoph Völker, Jan Weinreich, Faradawn Yang, Mohd Zaki, Chi Zhang, Sylvester Zhang, Weijie Zhang, Ruijie Zhu, Shang Zhu, Jan Janssen, Calvin Li, Ian Foster, Ben Blaiszik
Here, we present the outcomes from the second Large Language Model (LLM) Hackathon for Applications in Materials Science and Chemistry, which engaged participants across global hybrid locations, resulting in 34 team submissions.
no code implementations • 18 Sep 2024 • Yashar Deldjoo, Zhankui He, Julian McAuley, Anton Korikov, Scott Sanner, Arnau Ramisa, Rene Vidal, Maheswaran Sathiamoorthy, Atoosa Kasrizadeh, Silvia Milano, Francesco Ricci
Generative models are a class of AI models capable of creating new instances of data by learning and sampling from their statistical distributions.
no code implementations • 17 Sep 2024 • Arnau Ramisa, Rene Vidal, Yashar Deldjoo, Zhankui He, Julian McAuley, Anton Korikov, Scott Sanner, Mahesh Sathiamoorthy, Atoosa Kasrizadeh, Silvia Milano, Francesco Ricci
Many recommendation systems limit user inputs to text strings or behavior signals such as clicks and purchases, and system outputs to a list of products sorted by relevance.
no code implementations • 20 Aug 2024 • Anton Korikov, Scott Sanner, Yashar Deldjoo, Zhankui He, Julian McAuley, Arnau Ramisa, Rene Vidal, Mahesh Sathiamoorthy, Atoosa Kasrizadeh, Silvia Milano, Francesco Ricci
While previous chapters focused on recommendation systems (RSs) based on standardized, non-verbal user feedback such as purchases, views, and clicks -- the advent of LLMs has unlocked the use of natural language (NL) interactions for recommendation.
no code implementations • 6 Aug 2023 • Hanif Emamgholizadeh, Amra Delic, Francesco Ricci
To this end, the aim of this paper is to validate the research hypothesis that, by using a machine learning approach and a data set of observed group choices, it is possible to predict a group's final choice, better than by using a standard preference aggregation strategy.
2 code implementations • 9 Nov 2022 • Ivan Donadello, Chiara Di Francescomarino, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Francesco Ricci, Aladdin Shikhizada
Such encoded log is used to train a Machine Learning classifier to learn a mapping between the temporal patterns and the outcome of a process execution.
no code implementations • 10 Aug 2022 • Shoujin Wang, Xiuzhen Zhang, Yan Wang, Huan Liu, Francesco Ricci
However, researchers lack a systematic overview and discussion of the literature in this novel and fast developing field of TRSs.
no code implementations • 29 Mar 2022 • Stefano Branchi, Chiara Di Francescomarino, Chiara Ghidini, David Massimo, Francesco Ricci, Massimiliano Ronzani
The rise of process data availability has recently led to the development of data-driven learning approaches.
1 code implementation • 13 May 2021 • Shoujin Wang, Liang Hu, Yan Wang, Xiangnan He, Quan Z. Sheng, Mehmet A. Orgun, Longbing Cao, Francesco Ricci, Philip S. Yu
Recent years have witnessed the fast development of the emerging topic of Graph Learning based Recommender Systems (GLRS).
no code implementations • 22 Apr 2020 • Shoujin Wang, Liang Hu, Yan Wang, Xiangnan He, Quan Z. Sheng, Mehmet Orgun, Longbing Cao, Nan Wang, Francesco Ricci, Philip S. Yu
Recent years have witnessed the fast development of the emerging topic of Graph Learning based Recommender Systems (GLRS).