Search Results for author: Francis C. M. Lau

Found 12 papers, 5 papers with code

A Heterogeneous 6G Networked Sensing Architecture with Active and Passive Anchors

no code implementations4 May 2023 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Boya Di, Francis C. M. Lau

In this paper, we show that the distance between a target and its associated IRS can be indirectly estimated based on the length of the BS-target-BS path and the BS-target-IRS-BS path.

Predictive Resource Allocation in mmWave Systems with Rotation Detection

no code implementations29 Mar 2023 Yifei Sun, Bojie Lv, Rui Wang, Haisheng Tan, Francis C. M. Lau

Millimeter wave (MmWave) has been regarded as a promising technology to support high-capacity communications in 5G era.


A Survey of Machine Learning-Based Ride-Hailing Planning

no code implementations26 Mar 2023 Dacheng Wen, Yupeng Li, Francis C. M. Lau

We further shed light on many real-world datasets and simulators that are indispensable for empirical studies on machine learning-based ride-hailing planning strategies.


Improved Target-specific Stance Detection on Social Media Platforms by Delving into Conversation Threads

no code implementations6 Nov 2022 Yupeng Li, Haorui He, Shaonan Wang, Francis C. M. Lau, Yunya Song

In response, we address a new task called conversational stance detection which is to infer the stance towards a given target (e. g., COVID-19 vaccination) when given a data instance and its corresponding conversation thread.

Benchmarking Opinion Mining +1

Trilateration-Based Device-Free Sensing: Two Base Stations and One Passive IRS Are Sufficient

no code implementations25 May 2022 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Francis C. M. Lau

The classic trilateration technique can localize each target based on its distances to three anchors with known coordinates.

Exploiting Temporal Side Information in Massive IoT Connectivity

1 code implementation5 Jan 2022 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Francis C. M. Lau

In particular, we propose to leverage the temporal correlation in device activity, e. g., a device active in the previous coherence block is more likely to be still active in the current coherence block, to improve the detection and estimation performance.

Action Detection Activity Detection

One model Packs Thousands of Items with Recurrent Conditional Query Learning

1 code implementation12 Nov 2021 Dongda Li, Zhaoquan Gu, Yuexuan Wang, Changwei Ren, Francis C. M. Lau

In this paper, we propose a Recurrent Conditional Query Learning (RCQL) method to solve both 2D and 3D packing problems.

Combinatorial Optimization

On Massive IoT Connectivity with Temporally-Correlated User Activity

1 code implementation27 Jan 2021 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Francis C. M. Lau

In particular, we propose to leverage the temporal correlation in user activity, i. e., a device active at the previous time slot is more likely to be still active at the current moment, to improve the detection performance.

Action Detection Activity Detection Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

Online Influence Maximization in Non-Stationary Social Networks

1 code implementation26 Apr 2016 Yixin Bao, Xiaoke Wang, Zhi Wang, Chuan Wu, Francis C. M. Lau

Nevertheless, the existing studies mostly investigate the problem on a one-off basis, assuming fixed known influence probabilities among users, or the knowledge of the exact social network topology.


Category Enhanced Word Embedding

no code implementations27 Nov 2015 Chunting Zhou, Chonglin Sun, Zhiyuan Liu, Francis C. M. Lau

In this paper, we incorporate category information of documents in the learning of word representations and to learn the proposed models in a document-wise manner.

General Classification Representation Learning +4

A C-LSTM Neural Network for Text Classification

10 code implementations27 Nov 2015 Chunting Zhou, Chonglin Sun, Zhiyuan Liu, Francis C. M. Lau

In this work, we combine the strengths of both architectures and propose a novel and unified model called C-LSTM for sentence representation and text classification.

General Classification Sentence +3

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