Search Results for author: Francisco Couto

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Lasige-BioTM at ProfNER: BiLSTM-CRF and contextual Spanish embeddings for Named Entity Recognition and Tweet Binary Classification

no code implementations NAACL (SMM4H) 2021 Pedro Ruas, Vitor Andrade, Francisco Couto

The paper describes the participation of the Lasige-BioTM team at sub-tracks A and B of ProfNER, which was based on: i) a BiLSTM-CRF model that leverages contextual and classical word embeddings to recognize and classify the mentions, and ii) on a rule-based module to classify tweets.

Binary Classification named-entity-recognition +3

MRA - Proof of Concept of a Multilingual Report Annotator Web Application

2 code implementations6 Apr 2017 Luís Campos, Francisco Couto

MRA (Multilingual Report Annotator) is a web application that translates Radiology text and annotates it with RadLex terms.

Ontology alignment repair through modularization and confidence-based heuristics

no code implementations19 Jul 2013 Emanuel Santos, Daniel Faria, Cátia Pesquita, Francisco Couto

Ontology Matching aims to find a set of semantic correspondences, called an alignment, between related ontologies.

Ontology Matching

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