Search Results for author: Francisco Vargas

Found 18 papers, 8 papers with code

Beyond ELBOs: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Variational Methods for Sampling

1 code implementation11 Jun 2024 Denis Blessing, Xiaogang Jia, Johannes Esslinger, Francisco Vargas, Gerhard Neumann

Monte Carlo methods, Variational Inference, and their combinations play a pivotal role in sampling from intractable probability distributions.

Decision Making Variational Inference

Transport meets Variational Inference: Controlled Monte Carlo Diffusions

1 code implementation3 Jul 2023 Francisco Vargas, Shreyas Padhy, Denis Blessing, Nikolas Nüsken

Connecting optimal transport and variational inference, we present a principled and systematic framework for sampling and generative modelling centred around divergences on path space.

Variational Inference

To smooth a cloud or to pin it down: Guarantees and Insights on Score Matching in Denoising Diffusion Models

no code implementations16 May 2023 Francisco Vargas, Teodora Reu, Anna Kerekes, Michael M Bronstein

Denoising diffusion models are a class of generative models which have recently achieved state-of-the-art results across many domains.


Dimensionality Reduction as Probabilistic Inference

no code implementations15 Apr 2023 Aditya Ravuri, Francisco Vargas, Vidhi Lalchand, Neil D. Lawrence

Dimensionality reduction (DR) algorithms compress high-dimensional data into a lower dimensional representation while preserving important features of the data.

Dimensionality Reduction Gaussian Processes +1

Denoising Diffusion Samplers

no code implementations27 Feb 2023 Francisco Vargas, Will Grathwohl, Arnaud Doucet

Denoising Diffusion Samplers (DDS) are obtained by approximating the corresponding time-reversal.


Kernelized Concept Erasure

1 code implementation28 Jan 2022 Shauli Ravfogel, Francisco Vargas, Yoav Goldberg, Ryan Cotterell

One prominent approach for the identification of concepts in neural representations is searching for a linear subspace whose erasure prevents the prediction of the concept from the representations.

Bayesian Learning via Neural Schrödinger-Föllmer Flows

no code implementations pproximateinference AABI Symposium 2022 Francisco Vargas, Andrius Ovsianas, David Fernandes, Mark Girolami, Neil D. Lawrence, Nikolas Nüsken

In this work we explore a new framework for approximate Bayesian inference in large datasets based on stochastic control (i. e. Schr\"odinger bridges).

Bayesian Inference

Efficient privacy-preserving inference for convolutional neural networks

no code implementations15 Oct 2021 Han Xuanyuan, Francisco Vargas, Stephen Cummins

Others have proposed the use of model pruning and efficient data representations to reduce the number of HE operations required.

Privacy Preserving

Solving Schrödinger Bridges via Maximum Likelihood

1 code implementation3 Jun 2021 Francisco Vargas, Pierre Thodoroff, Neil D. Lawrence, Austen Lamacraft

The Schr\"odinger bridge problem (SBP) finds the most likely stochastic evolution between two probability distributions given a prior stochastic evolution.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Exploring the Linear Subspace Hypothesis in Gender Bias Mitigation

1 code implementation EMNLP 2020 Francisco Vargas, Ryan Cotterell

Their method takes pre-trained word representations as input and attempts to isolate a linear subspace that captures most of the gender bias in the representations.

Word Embeddings

Multilingual Factor Analysis

1 code implementation ACL 2019 Francisco Vargas, Kamen Brestnichki, Alex Papadopoulos-Korfiatis, Nils Hammerla

In this work we approach the task of learning multilingual word representations in an offline manner by fitting a generative latent variable model to a multilingual dictionary.

Model Comparison for Semantic Grouping

1 code implementation30 Apr 2019 Francisco Vargas, Kamen Brestnichki, Nils Hammerla

We introduce a probabilistic framework for quantifying the semantic similarity between two groups of embeddings.

Semantic Similarity Semantic Textual Similarity +1

Towards Automatic Wild Animal Monitoring: Identification of Animal Species in Camera-trap Images using Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations20 Mar 2016 Alexander Gomez, Augusto Salazar, Francisco Vargas

Non intrusive monitoring of animals in the wild is possible using camera trapping framework, which uses cameras triggered by sensors to take a burst of images of animals in their habitat.

HMM and DTW for evaluation of therapeutical gestures using kinect

no code implementations11 Feb 2016 Carlos Palma, Augusto Salazar, Francisco Vargas

Automatic recognition of the quality of movement in human beings is a challenging task, given the difficulty both in defining the constraints that make a movement correct, and the difficulty in using noisy data to determine if these constraints were satisfied.

Dynamic Time Warping

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