Search Results for author: Franck Vermet

Found 13 papers, 2 papers with code

Oops, I Sampled it Again: Reinterpreting Confidence Intervals in Few-Shot Learning

1 code implementation4 Sep 2024 Raphael Lafargue, Luke Smith, Franck Vermet, Mathias Löwe, Ian Reid, Vincent Gripon, Jack Valmadre

The predominant method for computing confidence intervals (CI) in few-shot learning (FSL) is based on sampling the tasks with replacement, i. e.\ allowing the same samples to appear in multiple tasks.

Few-Shot Learning

Time-changed normalizing flows for accurate SDE modeling

no code implementations22 Dec 2023 Naoufal El Bekri, Lucas Drumetz, Franck Vermet

The generative paradigm has become increasingly important in machine learning and deep learning models.

Gaussian Processes Time Series

Measuring and Mitigating Biases in Motor Insurance Pricing

no code implementations20 Nov 2023 Mulah Moriah, Franck Vermet, Arthur Charpentier

The non-life insurance sector operates within a highly competitive and tightly regulated framework, confronting a pivotal juncture in the formulation of pricing strategies.


Geometry-preserving Lie Group Integrators For Differential Equations On The Manifold Of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices

no code implementations17 Oct 2022 Lucas Drumetz, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson, Naoufal El Bekri, Franck Vermet

The application of Euclidean methods to integrate differential equations lying on such objects does not respect the geometry of the manifold, which can cause many numerical issues.

Numerical Integration

Model Transparency and Interpretability : Survey and Application to the Insurance Industry

no code implementations1 Sep 2022 Dimitri Delcaillau, Antoine Ly, Alize Papp, Franck Vermet

The use of models, even if efficient, must be accompanied by an understanding at all levels of the process that transforms data (upstream and downstream).

Collaborative Insurance Sustainability and Network Structure

1 code implementation5 Jul 2021 Arthur Charpentier, Lariosse Kouakou, Matthias Löwe, Philipp Ratz, Franck Vermet

In this paper, describe and analyse such a P2P product, with some reciprocal risk sharing contracts.

Some Remarks on Replicated Simulated Annealing

no code implementations30 Sep 2020 Vincent Gripon, Matthias Löwe, Franck Vermet

Recently authors have introduced the idea of training discrete weights neural networks using a mix between classical simulated annealing and a replica ansatz known from the statistical physics literature.

Interpretabilité des modèles : état des lieux des méthodes et application à l'assurance

no code implementations25 Jul 2020 Dimitri Delcaillau, Antoine Ly, Franck Vermet, Alizé Papp

Models users must ensure that models do not discriminate against and that it is also possible to explain its result.

Towards an Intrinsic Definition of Robustness for a Classifier

no code implementations9 Jun 2020 Théo Giraudon, Vincent Gripon, Matthias Löwe, Franck Vermet

The robustness of classifiers has become a question of paramount importance in the past few years.

Improving Accuracy of Nonparametric Transfer Learning via Vector Segmentation

no code implementations24 Oct 2017 Vincent Gripon, Ghouthi B. Hacene, Matthias Löwe, Franck Vermet

Transfer learning using deep neural networks as feature extractors has become increasingly popular over the past few years.

Transfer Learning

Associative Memories to Accelerate Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

no code implementations10 Nov 2016 Vincent Gripon, Matthias Löwe, Franck Vermet

In its canonical version, the complexity of the search is linear with both the dimension and the cardinal of the collection of vectors the search is performed in.

Quantization Retrieval

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