Search Results for author: Frank Dellaert

Found 23 papers, 10 papers with code

Shonan Rotation Averaging: Global Optimality by Surfing SO(p)(n)

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Frank Dellaert, David M. Rosen, Jing Wu, Robert Mahony, Luca Carlone

Shonan Rotation Averaging is a fast, simple, and elegant rotation averaging algorithm that is guaranteed to recover globally optimal solutions under mild assumptions on the measurement noise.

Neural Visibility Field for Uncertainty-Driven Active Mapping

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Shangjie Xue, Jesse Dill, Pranay Mathur, Frank Dellaert, Panagiotis Tsiotras, Danfei Xu

This paper presents Neural Visibility Field (NVF), a novel uncertainty quantification method for Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) applied to active mapping.

Position Uncertainty Quantification

Distributed Global Structure-from-Motion with a Deep Front-End

1 code implementation30 Nov 2023 Ayush Baid, John Lambert, Travis Driver, Akshay Krishnan, Hayk Stepanyan, Frank Dellaert

While initial approaches to Structure-from-Motion (SfM) revolved around both global and incremental methods, most recent applications rely on incremental systems to estimate camera poses due to their superior robustness.

im2nerf: Image to Neural Radiance Field in the Wild

no code implementations8 Sep 2022 Lu Mi, Abhijit Kundu, David Ross, Frank Dellaert, Noah Snavely, Alireza Fathi

We take a step towards addressing this shortcoming by introducing a model that encodes the input image into a disentangled object representation that contains a code for object shape, a code for object appearance, and an estimated camera pose from which the object image is captured.

Novel View Synthesis Object

Probabilistic Tracking with Deep Factors

no code implementations2 Dec 2021 Fan Jiang, Andrew Marmon, Ildebrando De Courten, Marc Rasi, Frank Dellaert

In this paper, we show how to use a deep feature encoding in conjunction with generative densities over the features in a factor-graph based, probabilistic tracking framework.

Image Classification

Imitation Learning via Simultaneous Optimization of Policies and Auxiliary Trajectories

no code implementations7 May 2021 Mandy Xie, Anqi Li, Karl Van Wyk, Frank Dellaert, Byron Boots, Nathan Ratliff

Many IL methods, such as Dataset Aggregation (DAgger), combat challenges like distributional shift by interacting with oracular experts.

Imitation Learning

Neural Volume Rendering: NeRF And Beyond

1 code implementation17 Dec 2020 Frank Dellaert, Lin Yen-Chen

Besides the COVID-19 pandemic and political upheaval in the US, 2020 was also the year in which neural volume rendering exploded onto the scene, triggered by the impressive NeRF paper by Mildenhall et al. (2020).

Shonan Rotation Averaging: Global Optimality by Surfing $SO(p)^n$

1 code implementation6 Aug 2020 Frank Dellaert, David M. Rosen, Jing Wu, Robert Mahony, Luca Carlone

Shonan Rotation Averaging is a fast, simple, and elegant rotation averaging algorithm that is guaranteed to recover globally optimal solutions under mild assumptions on the measurement noise.

Robot Calligraphy using Pseudospectral Optimal Control in Conjunction with a Simulated Brush Model

no code implementations18 Nov 2019 Sen Wang, Jiaqi Chen, Xuanliang Deng, Seth Hutchinson, Frank Dellaert

Chinese calligraphy is a unique form of art that has great artistic value but is difficult to master.


Fast 3D Pose Refinement with RGB Images

no code implementations17 Nov 2019 Abhinav Jain, Frank Dellaert

Pose estimation is a vital step in many robotics and perception tasks such as robotic manipulation, autonomous vehicle navigation, etc.

Pose Estimation

Taking a Deeper Look at the Inverse Compositional Algorithm

1 code implementation CVPR 2019 Zhaoyang Lv, Frank Dellaert, James M. Rehg, Andreas Geiger

In this paper, we provide a modern synthesis of the classic inverse compositional algorithm for dense image alignment.

Motion Estimation regression

Learning to Align Images using Weak Geometric Supervision

no code implementations4 Aug 2018 Jing Dong, Byron Boots, Frank Dellaert, Ranveer Chandra, Sudipta N. Sinha

Such descriptors are often derived using supervised learning on existing datasets with ground truth correspondences.

Video Alignment

Continuous-Time Gaussian Process Motion Planning via Probabilistic Inference

1 code implementation24 Jul 2017 Mustafa Mukadam, Jing Dong, Xinyan Yan, Frank Dellaert, Byron Boots

We benchmark our algorithms against several sampling-based and trajectory optimization-based motion planning algorithms on planning problems in multiple environments.


Sparse Gaussian Processes for Continuous-Time Trajectory Estimation on Matrix Lie Groups

2 code implementations17 May 2017 Jing Dong, Byron Boots, Frank Dellaert

Continuous-time trajectory representations are a powerful tool that can be used to address several issues in many practical simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) scenarios, like continuously collected measurements distorted by robot motion, or during with asynchronous sensor measurements.


Distributed Mapping with Privacy and Communication Constraints: Lightweight Algorithms and Object-based Models

1 code implementation11 Feb 2017 Siddharth Choudhary, Luca Carlone, Carlos Nieto, John Rogers, Henrik I. Christensen, Frank Dellaert

Our field tests show that the combined use of our distributed algorithms and object-based models reduces the communication requirements by several orders of magnitude and enables distributed mapping with large teams of robots in real-world problems.

Sensor Fusion

4D Crop Monitoring: Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction for Agriculture

no code implementations8 Oct 2016 Jing Dong, John Gary Burnham, Byron Boots, Glen C. Rains, Frank Dellaert

Autonomous crop monitoring at high spatial and temporal resolution is a critical problem in precision agriculture.

4D reconstruction

A Continuous Optimization Approach for Efficient and Accurate Scene Flow

no code implementations27 Jul 2016 Zhaoyang Lv, Chris Beall, Pablo F. Alcantarilla, Fuxin Li, Zsolt Kira, Frank Dellaert

We propose a continuous optimization method for solving dense 3D scene flow problems from stereo imagery.


On-Manifold Preintegration for Real-Time Visual-Inertial Odometry

2 code implementations8 Dec 2015 Christian Forster, Luca Carlone, Frank Dellaert, Davide Scaramuzza

However, real-time optimization quickly becomes infeasible as the trajectory grows over time, this problem is further emphasized by the fact that inertial measurements come at high rate, hence leading to fast growth of the number of variables in the optimization.


Dataset Fingerprints: Exploring Image Collections Through Data Mining

no code implementations CVPR 2015 Konstantinos Rematas, Basura Fernando, Frank Dellaert, Tinne Tuytelaars

As the amount of visual data increases, so does the need for summarization tools that can be used to explore large image collections and to quickly get familiar with their content.

Pose Graph Optimization in the Complex Domain: Lagrangian Duality, Conditions For Zero Duality Gap, and Optimal Solutions

1 code implementation13 May 2015 Giuseppe Calafiore, Luca Carlone, Frank Dellaert

Our analysis shows that the duality gap is connected to the number of eigenvalues of the penalized pose graph matrix, which arises from the solution of the dual.

Robotics 68W01, 68W40, 68W25, 49K30 I.2.9; G.1.6

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