Search Results for author: Franz Hlawatsch

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Track Coalescence and Repulsion in Multitarget Tracking: An Analysis of MHT, JPDA, and Belief Propagation Methods

no code implementations11 Aug 2023 Thomas Kropfreiter, Florian Meyer, David F. Crouse, Stefano Coraluppi, Franz Hlawatsch, Peter Willett

Joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) filter methods and multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT) methods are widely used for multitarget tracking (MTT).

Fusion of Sensor Measurements and Target-Provided Information in Multitarget Tracking

no code implementations26 Nov 2021 Domenico Gaglione, Paolo Braca, Giovanni Soldi, Florian Meyer, Franz Hlawatsch, Moe Z. Win

Here, we develop a statistical model and algorithm for tracking an unknown number of targets based on the probabilistic fusion of observations from two classes of data sources.

An Efficient Labeled/Unlabeled Random Finite Set Algorithm for Multiobject Tracking

no code implementations11 Sep 2021 Thomas Kropfreiter, Florian Meyer, Franz Hlawatsch

Only if a quantity characterizing the plausibility of object existence is above a threshold, a new labeled Bernoulli component is created and the object is tracked by the more accurate but more computationally demanding LMB part of the algorithm.


Classification-Aided Multitarget Tracking Using the Sum-Product Algorithm

no code implementations4 Aug 2020 Domenico Gaglione, Giovanni Soldi, Paolo Braca, Giovanni De Magistris, Florian Meyer, Franz Hlawatsch

Multitarget tracking (MTT) is a challenging task that aims at estimating the number of targets and their states from measurements of the target states provided by one or multiple sensors.

Classification General Classification

Compressive Nonparametric Graphical Model Selection For Time Series

no code implementations13 Nov 2013 Alexander Jung, Reinhard Heckel, Helmut Bölcskei, Franz Hlawatsch

We propose a method for inferring the conditional indepen- dence graph (CIG) of a high-dimensional discrete-time Gaus- sian vector random process from finite-length observations.

Model Selection Time Series +1

Sigma Point Belief Propagation

no code implementations2 Sep 2013 Florian Meyer, Ondrej Hlinka, Franz Hlawatsch

Here, we extend the SP filter to nonsequential Bayesian inference corresponding to loopy factor graphs.

Bayesian Inference

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