Search Results for author: Franz Rottensteiner

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

Evaluating saliency scores in point clouds of natural environments by learning surface anomalies

no code implementations26 Aug 2024 Reuma Arav, Dennis Wittich, Franz Rottensteiner

We assume that within the natural environment any change from the prevalent surface would suggest a salient object.

Saliency Detection

Multimodal Metadata Assignment for Cultural Heritage Artifacts

1 code implementation1 Jun 2024 Luis Rei, Dunja Mladenić, Mareike Dorozynski, Franz Rottensteiner, Thomas Schleider, Raphaël Troncy, Jorge Sebastián Lozano, Mar Gaitán Salvatella

We develop a multimodal classifier for the cultural heritage domain using a late fusion approach and introduce a novel dataset.

Appearance Based Deep Domain Adaptation for the Classification of Aerial Images

no code implementations17 Aug 2021 Dennis Wittich, Franz Rottensteiner

Our method is based on adversarial training of an appearance adaptation network (AAN) that transforms images from DS such that they look like images from DT.

Domain Adaptation

Probabilistic Vehicle Reconstruction Using a Multi-Task CNN

no code implementations21 Feb 2021 Max Coenen, Franz Rottensteiner

In this paper, we present a probabilistic approach for shape-aware 3D vehicle reconstruction from stereo images that leverages the outputs of a novel multi-task CNN.

Object Reconstruction Retrieval

A two-layer Conditional Random Field for the classification of partially occluded objects

no code implementations11 Jul 2013 Sergey Kosov, Pushmeet Kohli, Franz Rottensteiner, Christian Heipke

Conditional Random Fields (CRF) are among the most popular techniques for image labelling because of their flexibility in modelling dependencies between the labels and the image features.

General Classification

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