Search Results for author: Frederic Font

Found 11 papers, 8 papers with code

The language of sound search: Examining User Queries in Audio Search Engines

no code implementations10 Oct 2024 Benno Weck, Frederic Font

These insights are crucial for developing user-centred, effective text-based audio retrieval systems, enhancing our understanding of user behaviour in sound search contexts.

Retrieval Survey

Heterogeneous sound classification with the Broad Sound Taxonomy and Dataset

1 code implementation1 Oct 2024 Panagiota Anastasopoulou, Jessica Torrey, Xavier Serra, Frederic Font

We compare a variety of both traditional and modern machine learning approaches to establish a baseline for the task of heterogeneous sound classification.

Classification Sound Classification

Evaluating Neural Networks Architectures for Spring Reverb Modelling

1 code implementation8 Sep 2024 Francesco Papaleo, Xavier Lizarraga-Seijas, Frederic Font

Reverberation is a key element in spatial audio perception, historically achieved with the use of analogue devices, such as plate and spring reverb, and in the last decades with digital signal processing techniques that have allowed different approaches for Virtual Analogue Modelling (VAM).

FSD50K: An Open Dataset of Human-Labeled Sound Events

8 code implementations1 Oct 2020 Eduardo Fonseca, Xavier Favory, Jordi Pons, Frederic Font, Xavier Serra

Most existing datasets for sound event recognition (SER) are relatively small and/or domain-specific, with the exception of AudioSet, based on over 2M tracks from YouTube videos and encompassing over 500 sound classes.

The Freesound Loop Dataset and Annotation Tool

1 code implementation26 Aug 2020 Antonio Ramires, Frederic Font, Dmitry Bogdanov, Jordan B. L. Smith, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Joann Ching, Bo-Yu Chen, Yueh-Kao Wu, Hsu Wei-Han, Xavier Serra

We present the Freesound Loop Dataset (FSLD), a new large-scale dataset of music loops annotated by experts.

Audio and Speech Processing Sound

Search Result Clustering in Collaborative Sound Collections

no code implementations8 Apr 2020 Xavier Favory, Frederic Font, Xavier Serra

In our work, we propose a graph-based approach using audio features for clustering diverse sound collections obtained when querying large online databases.


Model-agnostic Approaches to Handling Noisy Labels When Training Sound Event Classifiers

1 code implementation26 Oct 2019 Eduardo Fonseca, Frederic Font, Xavier Serra

We show that these simple methods can be effective in mitigating the effect of label noise, providing up to 2. 5\% of accuracy boost when incorporated to two different CNNs, while requiring minimal intervention and computational overhead.

General Classification

Audio tagging with noisy labels and minimal supervision

2 code implementations7 Jun 2019 Eduardo Fonseca, Manoj Plakal, Frederic Font, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Xavier Serra

The task evaluates systems for multi-label audio tagging using a large set of noisy-labeled data, and a much smaller set of manually-labeled data, under a large vocabulary setting of 80 everyday sound classes.

Audio Tagging Task 2

Learning Sound Event Classifiers from Web Audio with Noisy Labels

2 code implementations4 Jan 2019 Eduardo Fonseca, Manoj Plakal, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Frederic Font, Xavier Favory, Xavier Serra

To foster the investigation of label noise in sound event classification we present FSDnoisy18k, a dataset containing 42. 5 hours of audio across 20 sound classes, including a small amount of manually-labeled data and a larger quantity of real-world noisy data.

General Classification Sound Event Detection

Facilitating the Manual Annotation of Sounds When Using Large Taxonomies

no code implementations21 Nov 2018 Xavier Favory, Eduardo Fonseca, Frederic Font, Xavier Serra

It enables, for instance, the development of automatic tools for the annotation of large and diverse multimedia collections.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

General-purpose Tagging of Freesound Audio with AudioSet Labels: Task Description, Dataset, and Baseline

3 code implementations26 Jul 2018 Eduardo Fonseca, Manoj Plakal, Frederic Font, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Xavier Favory, Jordi Pons, Xavier Serra

The goal of the task is to build an audio tagging system that can recognize the category of an audio clip from a subset of 41 diverse categories drawn from the AudioSet Ontology.

Audio Tagging Task 2

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