Search Results for author: Fukang Zhu

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Automatically Identifying Local and Global Circuits with Linear Computation Graphs

1 code implementation22 May 2024 Xuyang Ge, Fukang Zhu, Wentao Shu, Junxuan Wang, Zhengfu He, Xipeng Qiu

Circuit analysis of any certain model behavior is a central task in mechanistic interpretability.

Statistical inference for the logarithmic spatial heteroskedasticity model with exogenous variables

no code implementations17 Jan 2023 Bing Su, Fukang Zhu, Ke Zhu

For the log-SHE model, its spatial near-epoch dependence (NED) property is investigated, and a systematic statistical inference procedure is provided, including the maximum likelihood and generalized method of moments estimators, the Wald, Lagrange multiplier and likelihood-ratio-type D tests for model parameter constraints, and the overidentification test for the model diagnostic checking.

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