Search Results for author: Fuping Wu

Found 17 papers, 2 papers with code

InDeed: Interpretable image deep decomposition with guaranteed generalizability

no code implementations2 Jan 2025 Sihan Wang, Shangqi Gao, Fuping Wu, Xiahai Zhuang

In this work, we introduce a novel framework for interpretable deep image decomposition, combining hierarchical Bayesian modeling and deep learning to create an architecture-modularized and model-generalizable deep neural network (DNN).

Image Denoising Test-time Adaptation +1

Deformation-Recovery Diffusion Model (DRDM): Instance Deformation for Image Manipulation and Synthesis

1 code implementation10 Jul 2024 Jian-Qing Zheng, Yuanhan Mo, Yang Sun, Jiahua Li, Fuping Wu, Ziyang Wang, Tonia Vincent, Bartłomiej W. Papież

The further experimental results in downstream tasks, 2D image segmentation and 3D image registration, indicate significant improvements resulting from DRDM, showcasing the potential of our model to advance image manipulation and synthesis in medical imaging and beyond.

Data Augmentation Few-Shot Learning +4

MERIT: Multi-view Evidential learning for Reliable and Interpretable liver fibrosis sTaging

no code implementations5 May 2024 Yuanye Liu, Zheyao Gao, Nannan Shi, Fuping Wu, Yuxin Shi, Qingchao Chen, Xiahai Zhuang

MERIT enables uncertainty quantification of the predictions to enhance reliability, and employs a logic-based combination rule to improve interpretability.

MULTI-VIEW LEARNING Uncertainty Quantification

Multi-Task Cooperative Learning via Searching for Flat Minima

no code implementations21 Sep 2023 Fuping Wu, Le Zhang, Yang Sun, Yuanhan Mo, Thomas Nichols, Bartlomiej W. Papiez

In this work, we propose to formulate MTL as a multi/bi-level optimization problem, and therefore force features to learn from each task in a cooperative approach.

Medical Image Analysis Multi-Task Learning

A Reliable and Interpretable Framework of Multi-view Learning for Liver Fibrosis Staging

no code implementations21 Jun 2023 Zheyao Gao, Yuanye Liu, Fuping Wu, Nannan Shi, Yuxin Shi, Xiahai Zhuang

Therefore, we propose a reliable multi-view learning method with interpretable combination rules, which can model global representations to improve the accuracy of predictions.


Multi-Target Landmark Detection with Incomplete Images via Reinforcement Learning and Shape Prior

no code implementations13 Jan 2023 Kaiwen Wan, Lei LI, Dengqiang Jia, Shangqi Gao, Wei Qian, Yingzhi Wu, Huandong Lin, Xiongzheng Mu, Xin Gao, Sijia Wang, Fuping Wu, Xiahai Zhuang

This is particularly evident for the learning-based multi-target landmark detection, where algorithms could be misleading to learn primarily the variation of background due to the varying FOV, failing the detection of targets.

Medical Image Analysis Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Decoupling Predictions in Distributed Learning for Multi-Center Left Atrial MRI Segmentation

1 code implementation10 Jun 2022 Zheyao Gao, Lei LI, Fuping Wu, Sihan Wang, Xiahai Zhuang

In this work, we propose a new framework of distributed learning that bridges the gap between two groups, and improves the performance for both generic and local data.

Medical Image Analysis MRI segmentation

Multi-Modality Cardiac Image Analysis with Deep Learning

no code implementations8 Nov 2021 Lei LI, Fuping Wu, Sihang Wang, Xiahai Zhuang

Accurate cardiac computing, analysis and modeling from multi-modality images are important for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac disease.

Deep Learning Image Segmentation +3

Random Style Transfer based Domain Generalization Networks Integrating Shape and Spatial Information

no code implementations27 Aug 2020 Lei Li, Veronika A. Zimmer, Wangbin Ding, Fuping Wu, Liqin Huang, Julia A. Schnabel, Xiahai Zhuang

As the target domain could be unknown, we randomly generate a modality vector for the target modality in the style transfer stage, to simulate the domain shift for unknown domains.

Domain Generalization Image Segmentation +5

Atrial Scar Quantification via Multi-scale CNN in the Graph-cuts Framework

no code implementations21 Feb 2019 Lei Li, Fuping Wu, Guang Yang, Lingchao Xu, Tom Wong, Raad Mohiaddin, David Firmin, Jennifer Keegan, Xiahai Zhuang

Compared with the conventional methods, which are based on the manual delineation of LA for initialization, our method is fully automatic and has demonstrated significantly better Dice score and accuracy (p < 0. 01).

Atrial scars segmentation via potential learning in the graph-cuts framework

no code implementations22 Oct 2018 Lei Li, Fuping Wu, Guang Yang, Tom Wong, Raad Mohiaddin, David Firmin, Jenny Keegan, Lingchao Xu, Xiahai Zhuang

Late Gadolinium Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging (LGE MRI) emerged as a routine scan for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF).

Atrial fibrosis quantification based on maximum likelihood estimator of multivariate images

no code implementations22 Oct 2018 Fuping Wu, Lei LI, Guang Yang, Tom Wong, Raad Mohiaddin, David Firmin, Jennifer Keegan, Lingchao Xu, Xiahai Zhuang

We present a fully-automated segmentation and quantification of the left atrial (LA) fibrosis and scars combining two cardiac MRIs, one is the target late gadolinium-enhanced (LGE) image, and the other is an anatomical MRI from the same acquisition session.

Segmentation Texture Classification

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