Search Results for author: Fuxun Yu

Found 32 papers, 4 papers with code

FedCAP: Robust Federated Learning via Customized Aggregation and Personalization

1 code implementation16 Oct 2024 Youpeng Li, Xinda Wang, Fuxun Yu, Lichao Sun, Wenbin Zhang, Xuyu Wang

The core of FedCAP is a model update calibration mechanism to help a server capture the differences in the direction and magnitude of model updates among clients.

Anomaly Detection Federated Learning +1

Online Learning via Memory: Retrieval-Augmented Detector Adaptation

no code implementations16 Sep 2024 Yanan Jian, Fuxun Yu, Qi Zhang, William LeVine, Brandon Dubbs, Nikolaos Karianakis

This paper presents a novel way of online adapting any off-the-shelf object detection model to a novel domain without retraining the detector model.

Memorization object-detection +2

LLM-dCache: Improving Tool-Augmented LLMs with GPT-Driven Localized Data Caching

no code implementations10 Jun 2024 Simranjit Singh, Michael Fore, Andreas Karatzas, Chaehong Lee, Yanan Jian, Longfei Shangguan, Fuxun Yu, Iraklis Anagnostopoulos, Dimitrios Stamoulis

As Large Language Models (LLMs) broaden their capabilities to manage thousands of API calls, they are confronted with complex data operations across vast datasets with significant overhead to the underlying system.

Infinite-Dimensional Feature Interaction

no code implementations22 May 2024 Chenhui Xu, Fuxun Yu, Maoliang Li, Zihao Zheng, Zirui Xu, JinJun Xiong, Xiang Chen

The past neural network design has largely focused on feature representation space dimension and its capacity scaling (e. g., width, depth), but overlooked the feature interaction space scaling.

QuadraNet V2: Efficient and Sustainable Training of High-Order Neural Networks with Quadratic Adaptation

no code implementations6 May 2024 Chenhui Xu, Xinyao Wang, Fuxun Yu, JinJun Xiong, Xiang Chen

Machine learning is evolving towards high-order models that necessitate pre-training on extensive datasets, a process associated with significant overheads.

Out-of-Distribution Detection via Deep Multi-Comprehension Ensemble

no code implementations24 Mar 2024 Chenhui Xu, Fuxun Yu, Zirui Xu, Nathan Inkawhich, Xiang Chen

Our experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the MC Ensemble strategy in OOD detection compared to both the naive Deep Ensemble method and a standalone model of comparable size.

Diversity Out-of-Distribution Detection

QuadraNet: Improving High-Order Neural Interaction Efficiency with Hardware-Aware Quadratic Neural Networks

no code implementations29 Nov 2023 Chenhui Xu, Fuxun Yu, Zirui Xu, ChenChen Liu, JinJun Xiong, Xiang Chen

Recent progress in computer vision-oriented neural network designs is mostly driven by capturing high-order neural interactions among inputs and features.

Hardware Aware Neural Architecture Search Neural Architecture Search

Stable Diffusion For Aerial Object Detection

no code implementations21 Nov 2023 Yanan Jian, Fuxun Yu, Simranjit Singh, Dimitrios Stamoulis

Aerial object detection is a challenging task, in which one major obstacle lies in the limitations of large-scale data collection and the long-tail distribution of certain classes.

Data Augmentation Object +2

QuadraLib: A Performant Quadratic Neural Network Library for Architecture Optimization and Design Exploration

no code implementations1 Apr 2022 Zirui Xu, Fuxun Yu, JinJun Xiong, Xiang Chen

The significant success of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is highly promoted by the multiple sophisticated DNN libraries.

Fed2: Feature-Aligned Federated Learning

no code implementations28 Nov 2021 Fuxun Yu, Weishan Zhang, Zhuwei Qin, Zirui Xu, Di Wang, ChenChen Liu, Zhi Tian, Xiang Chen

Federated learning learns from scattered data by fusing collaborative models from local nodes.

Federated Learning

A Survey of Large-Scale Deep Learning Serving System Optimization: Challenges and Opportunities

no code implementations28 Nov 2021 Fuxun Yu, Di Wang, Longfei Shangguan, Minjia Zhang, Xulong Tang, ChenChen Liu, Xiang Chen

With both scaling trends, new problems and challenges emerge in DL inference serving systems, which gradually trends towards Large-scale Deep learning Serving systems (LDS).

Deep Learning Survey

Third ArchEdge Workshop: Exploring the Design Space of Efficient Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations22 Nov 2020 Fuxun Yu, Dimitrios Stamoulis, Di Wang, Dimitrios Lymberopoulos, Xiang Chen

This paper gives an overview of our ongoing work on the design space exploration of efficient deep neural networks (DNNs).

Heterogeneous Federated Learning

no code implementations15 Aug 2020 Fuxun Yu, Weishan Zhang, Zhuwei Qin, Zirui Xu, Di Wang, ChenChen Liu, Zhi Tian, Xiang Chen

Specifically, we design a feature-oriented regulation method ({$\Psi$-Net}) to ensure explicit feature information allocation in different neural network structures.

Federated Learning

AntiDote: Attention-based Dynamic Optimization for Neural Network Runtime Efficiency

no code implementations14 Aug 2020 Fuxun Yu, ChenChen Liu, Di Wang, Yanzhi Wang, Xiang Chen

Based on the neural network attention mechanism, we propose a comprehensive dynamic optimization framework including (1) testing-phase channel and column feature map pruning, as well as (2) training-phase optimization by targeted dropout.

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Object Detection via Cross-Domain Semi-Supervised Learning

1 code implementation17 Nov 2019 Fuxun Yu, Di Wang, Yinpeng Chen, Nikolaos Karianakis, Tong Shen, Pei Yu, Dimitrios Lymberopoulos, Sidi Lu, Weisong Shi, Xiang Chen

In this work, we show that such adversarial-based methods can only reduce the domain style gap, but cannot address the domain content distribution gap that is shown to be important for object detectors.

Object object-detection +2

LanCe: A Comprehensive and Lightweight CNN Defense Methodology against Physical Adversarial Attacks on Embedded Multimedia Applications

no code implementations17 Oct 2019 Zirui Xu, Fuxun Yu, Xiang Chen

Based on the detection result, we further propose a data recovery methodology to defend the physical adversarial attacks.

Adversarial Attack

Gradient-free Neural Network Training by Multi-convex Alternating Optimization

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Junxiang Wang, Fuxun Yu, Xiang Chen, Liang Zhao

To overcome these drawbacks, alternating minimization-based methods for deep neural network optimization have attracted fast-increasing attention recently.

Tiny but Accurate: A Pruned, Quantized and Optimized Memristor Crossbar Framework for Ultra Efficient DNN Implementation

no code implementations27 Aug 2019 Xiaolong Ma, Geng Yuan, Sheng Lin, Caiwen Ding, Fuxun Yu, Tao Liu, Wujie Wen, Xiang Chen, Yanzhi Wang

To mitigate the challenges, the memristor crossbar array has emerged as an intrinsically suitable matrix computation and low-power acceleration framework for DNN applications.

Model Compression Quantization

ADMM for Efficient Deep Learning with Global Convergence

1 code implementation31 May 2019 Junxiang Wang, Fuxun Yu, Xiang Chen, Liang Zhao

However, as an emerging domain, several challenges remain, including 1) The lack of global convergence guarantees, 2) Slow convergence towards solutions, and 3) Cubic time complexity with regard to feature dimensions.

Deep Learning Stochastic Optimization

DoPa: A Comprehensive CNN Detection Methodology against Physical Adversarial Attacks

no code implementations21 May 2019 Zirui Xu, Fuxun Yu, Xiang Chen

To address this issue, we propose DoPa -- a comprehensive CNN detection methodology for various physical adversarial attacks.

Adversarial Attack Detection

Interpreting and Evaluating Neural Network Robustness

no code implementations10 May 2019 Fuxun Yu, Zhuwei Qin, Chenchen Liu, Liang Zhao, Yanzhi Wang, Xiang Chen

Recently, adversarial deception becomes one of the most considerable threats to deep neural networks.

Adversarial Attack


no code implementations ICLR 2019 Zhuwei Qin, Fuxun Yu, ChenChen Liu, Xiang Chen

As significant redundancies inevitably present in such a structure, many works have been proposed to prune the convolutional filters for computation cost reduction.

Demystifying Neural Network Filter Pruning

no code implementations NIPS Workshop CDNNRIA 2018 Zhuwei Qin, Fuxun Yu, ChenChen Liu, Xiang Chen

We find that the filter magnitude based method fails to eliminate the filters with repetitive functionality.

Distilling Critical Paths in Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations NIPS Workshop CDNNRIA 2018 Fuxun Yu, Zhuwei Qin, Xiang Chen

Neural network compression and acceleration are widely demanded currently due to the resource constraints on most deployment targets.

Neural Network Compression

Functionality-Oriented Convolutional Filter Pruning

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Zhuwei Qin, Fuxun Yu, ChenChen Liu, Xiang Chen

As significant redundancies inevitably present in such a structure, many works have been proposed to prune the convolutional filters for computation cost reduction.

Interpreting Adversarial Robustness: A View from Decision Surface in Input Space

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Fuxun Yu, ChenChen Liu, Yanzhi Wang, Liang Zhao, Xiang Chen

One popular hypothesis of neural network generalization is that the flat local minima of loss surface in parameter space leads to good generalization.

Adversarial Robustness

Towards Robust Training of Neural Networks by Regularizing Adversarial Gradients

no code implementations23 May 2018 Fuxun Yu, Zirui Xu, Yanzhi Wang, ChenChen Liu, Xiang Chen

In recent years, neural networks have demonstrated outstanding effectiveness in a large amount of applications. However, recent works have shown that neural networks are susceptible to adversarial examples, indicating possible flaws intrinsic to the network structures.

How convolutional neural network see the world - A survey of convolutional neural network visualization methods

1 code implementation30 Apr 2018 Zhuwei Qin, Fuxun Yu, ChenChen Liu, Xiang Chen

Nowadays, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have achieved impressive performance on many computer vision related tasks, such as object detection, image recognition, image retrieval, etc.

Image Retrieval object-detection +2

ASP:A Fast Adversarial Attack Example Generation Framework based on Adversarial Saliency Prediction

no code implementations15 Feb 2018 Fuxun Yu, Qide Dong, Xiang Chen

By comparing the analyzed saliency map and the adversarial perturbation distribution, we proposed a new evaluation scheme to comprehensively assess the adversarial attack precision and efficiency.

Adversarial Attack Image Classification +1

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