Search Results for author: Günther Koliander

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Grid-Based Decimation for Wavelet Transforms with Stably Invertible Implementation

no code implementations4 Jan 2023 Nicki Holighaus, Günther Koliander, Clara Hollomey, Friedrich Pillichshammer

The constant center frequency to bandwidth ratio (Q-factor) of wavelet transforms provides a very natural representation for audio data.

Onset Detection

A Differential Entropy Estimator for Training Neural Networks

1 code implementation14 Feb 2022 Georg Pichler, Pierre Colombo, Malik Boudiaf, Günther Koliander, Pablo Piantanida

Mutual Information (MI) has been widely used as a loss regularizer for training neural networks.

Domain Adaptation

Modelling the Utility of Group Testing for Public Health Surveillance

1 code implementation11 Sep 2021 Günther Koliander, Georg Pichler

Although group testing can help to significantly increase testing capabilities, the (repeated) testing of entire populations can exceed the resources of any country.

On the Estimation of Information Measures of Continuous Distributions

no code implementations7 Feb 2020 Georg Pichler, Pablo Piantanida, Günther Koliander

In particular, we provide confidence bounds for simple histogram based estimation of differential entropy from a fixed number of samples, assuming that the probability density function is Lipschitz continuous with known Lipschitz constant and known, bounded support.

Minimal Achievable Sufficient Statistic Learning

1 code implementation19 May 2019 Milan Cvitkovic, Günther Koliander

We introduce Minimal Achievable Sufficient Statistic (MASS) Learning, a training method for machine learning models that attempts to produce minimal sufficient statistics with respect to a class of functions (e. g. deep networks) being optimized over.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Uncertainty Quantification

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