Search Results for author: Gabriel Moreira

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

UCDR-Adapter: Exploring Adaptation of Pre-Trained Vision-Language Models for Universal Cross-Domain Retrieval

1 code implementation14 Dec 2024 Haoyu Jiang, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Gabriel Moreira, Jiawen Zhu, Jingdong Sun, Bukun Ren, Jun-Yan He, Qi Dai, Xian-Sheng Hua

Second, Target Prompt Generation creates dynamic prompts by attending to masked source prompts, enabling seamless adaptation to unseen domains and classes.


Rotation Averaging: A Primal-Dual Method and Closed-Forms in Cycle Graphs

no code implementations29 May 2024 Gabriel Moreira, Manuel Marques, João Paulo Costeira

A cornerstone of geometric reconstruction, rotation averaging seeks the set of absolute rotations that optimally explains a set of measured relative orientations between them.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Learning Visual-Semantic Subspace Representations for Propositional Reasoning

no code implementations25 May 2024 Gabriel Moreira, Alexander Hauptmann, Manuel Marques, João Paulo Costeira

Learning representations that capture rich semantic relationships and accommodate propositional calculus poses a significant challenge.

Hyperbolic vs Euclidean Embeddings in Few-Shot Learning: Two Sides of the Same Coin

no code implementations18 Sep 2023 Gabriel Moreira, Manuel Marques, João Paulo Costeira, Alexander Hauptmann

Recent research in representation learning has shown that hierarchical data lends itself to low-dimensional and highly informative representations in hyperbolic space.

Few-Shot Learning Representation Learning

EvalRS 2023. Well-Rounded Recommender Systems For Real-World Deployments

1 code implementation14 Apr 2023 Federico Bianchi, Patrick John Chia, Ciro Greco, Claudio Pomo, Gabriel Moreira, Davide Eynard, Fahd Husain, Jacopo Tagliabue

EvalRS aims to bring together practitioners from industry and academia to foster a debate on rounded evaluation of recommender systems, with a focus on real-world impact across a multitude of deployment scenarios.

Fairness Informativeness +1

Rotation Averaging in a Split Second: A Primal-Dual Method and a Closed-Form for Cycle Graphs

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Gabriel Moreira, Manuel Marques, João Paulo Costeira

A cornerstone of geometric reconstruction, rotation averaging seeks the set of absolute rotations that optimally explains a set of measured relative orientations between them.

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