1 code implementation • 8 Jan 2022 • Gabriel Salomon, Rayson Laroca, David Menotti
The replacement of analog meters with smart meters is costly, laborious, and far from complete in developing countries.
no code implementations • 14 May 2021 • Gabriel Salomon, Alceu Britto, Rafael H. Vareto, William R. Schwartz, David Menotti
Therefore, open-set face recognition is a subject of increasing interest as it deals with identifying individuals in a space where not all faces are known in advance.
no code implementations • 6 May 2020 • Gabriel Salomon, Rayson Laroca, David Menotti
Smart meters enable remote and automatic electricity, water and gas consumption reading and are being widely deployed in developed countries.
Ranked #1 on Meter Reading on UFPR-ADMR-v1
no code implementations • 10 Jan 2020 • Daniel V. Ruiz, Gabriel Salomon, Eduardo Todt
For the quantitative analysis, a pre-trained Mask R-CNN was used for the detection and segmentation of birds on Pascal VOC, Caltech-UCSD Birds 200-2011, and our new dataset entitled FakeSet.