Search Results for author: Gabriel Terejanu

Found 11 papers, 0 papers with code

Two-Stage Stance Labeling: User-Hashtag Heuristics with Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations16 Apr 2024 Joshua Melton, Shannon Reid, Gabriel Terejanu, Siddharth Krishnan

We discuss the need for integrating nuanced understanding from social science with the scalability of computational methods to better understand how polarization on social media occurs for divisive issues such as climate change and gun control.

Graph Neural Network Zero-Shot Learning

Evaluation of Induced Expert Knowledge in Causal Structure Learning by NOTEARS

no code implementations4 Jan 2023 Jawad Chowdhury, Rezaur Rashid, Gabriel Terejanu

The goal of the paper is to study the impact of expert knowledge on causal relations in the form of additional constraints used in the formulation of the nonparametric NOTEARS.

Causal Discovery counterfactual +1

Machine Fault Classification using Hamiltonian Neural Networks

no code implementations4 Jan 2023 Jeremy Shen, Jawad Chowdhury, Sourav Banerjee, Gabriel Terejanu

A new approach is introduced to classify faults in rotating machinery based on the total energy signature estimated from sensor measurements.

Binary Classification Classification

From Causal Pairs to Causal Graphs

no code implementations8 Nov 2022 Rezaur Rashid, Jawad Chowdhury, Gabriel Terejanu

Causal structure learning from observational data remains a non-trivial task due to various factors such as finite sampling, unobserved confounding factors, and measurement errors.

Explainable Deep Modeling of Tabular Data using TableGraphNet

no code implementations12 Feb 2020 Gabriel Terejanu, Jawad Chowdhury, Rezaur Rashid, Asif Chowdhury

The vast majority of research on explainability focuses on post-explainability rather than explainable modeling.


Approximate Sampling using an Accelerated Metropolis-Hastings based on Bayesian Optimization and Gaussian Processes

no code implementations21 Oct 2019 Asif J. Chowdhury, Gabriel Terejanu

The main innovations include the use of Bayesian optimization to reach the high probability region quickly, emulating the target distribution using Gaussian processes (GP), and using Laplace approximation of the GP to build a proposal distribution that captures the underlying correlation better.

Bayesian Optimization Gaussian Processes

A Multiple Filter Based Neural Network Approach to the Extrapolation of Adsorption Energies on Metal Surfaces for Catalysis Applications

no code implementations1 Oct 2019 Asif J. Chowdhury, Wenqiang Yang, Kareem E. Abdelfatah, Mehdi Zare, Andreas Heyden, Gabriel Terejanu

Our investigations also included the case when the species data used to train the predictive model is of different size relative to the species the model tries to predict - an extrapolation in the data space which is typically difficult with regular machine learning models.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

An Approximate Bayesian Long Short-Term Memory Algorithm for Outlier Detection

no code implementations23 Dec 2017 Chao Chen, Xiao Lin, Gabriel Terejanu

In this study, we propose an approximate estimation of the weights uncertainty using Ensemble Kalman Filter, which is easily scalable to a large number of weights.

Outlier Detection

EnLLVM: Ensemble Based Nonlinear Bayesian Filtering Using Linear Latent Variable Models

no code implementations8 Aug 2017 Xiao Lin, Gabriel Terejanu

Real-time nonlinear Bayesian filtering algorithms are overwhelmed by data volume, velocity and increasing complexity of computational models.

Approximate Computational Approaches for Bayesian Sensor Placement in High Dimensions

no code implementations1 Mar 2017 Xiao Lin, Asif Chowdhury, Xiaofan Wang, Gabriel Terejanu

Then, sensors are placed where highest mutual information (lower bound) is achieved and QoI is inferred via Bayes rule given sensor measurements.

Bayesian Optimization Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Environmental Modeling Framework using Stacked Gaussian Processes

no code implementations9 Dec 2016 Kareem Abdelfatah, Junshu Bao, Gabriel Terejanu

A network of independently trained Gaussian processes (StackedGP) is introduced to obtain predictions of quantities of interest with quantified uncertainties.

Gaussian Processes

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