Search Results for author: Gang Feng

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

Global Regulation of Feedforward Nonlinear Systems: A Logic-Based Switching Gain Approach

no code implementations28 Jun 2024 Debao Fan, Xianfu Zhang, Gang Feng, Hanfeng Li

It is shown that the objective of global regulation is achieved with faster convergence speed and better transient performance under the proposed controller.

TrustFed: A Reliable Federated Learning Framework with Malicious-Attack Resistance

no code implementations6 Dec 2023 Hangn Su, Jianhong Zhou, Xianhua Niu, Gang Feng

To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a hierarchical audit-based FL (HiAudit-FL) framework, with the aim to enhance the reliability and security of the learning process.

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning +1

Automated Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks -- Fast Adaptation and Convergence

no code implementations23 Mar 2023 Chaoqun You, Kun Guo, Gang Feng, Peng Yang, Tony Q. S. Quek

With the obtained FL hyperparameters and resource allocation, we design a MAML-based FL algorithm, called Automated Federated Learning (AutoFL), that is able to conduct fast adaptation and convergence.

Federated Learning Meta-Learning

Beam Management in Ultra-dense mmWave Network via Federated Reinforcement Learning: An Intelligent and Secure Approach

no code implementations4 Oct 2022 Qing Xue, Yi-Jing Liu, Yao Sun, Jian Wang, Li Yan, Gang Feng, Shaodan Ma

Deploying ultra-dense networks that operate on millimeter wave (mmWave) band is a promising way to address the tremendous growth on mobile data traffic.

Federated Learning Management

Wireless Resource Management in Intelligent Semantic Communication Networks

no code implementations15 Feb 2022 Le Xia, Yao Sun, Xiaoqian Li, Gang Feng, Muhammad Ali Imran

The prosperity of artificial intelligence (AI) has laid a promising paradigm of communication system, i. e., intelligent semantic communication (ISC), where semantic contents, instead of traditional bit sequences, are coded by AI models for efficient communication.

Management Semantic Communication

Service Provisioning Framework for RAN Slicing: User Admissibility, Slice Association and Bandwidth Allocation

no code implementations IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2020 Yao Sun, Shuang Qin, Member, Gang Feng, Lei Zhang, and Muhammad Ali Imran, SeniorMember, IEEE

Network slicing (NS) has been identified as one of the most promising architectural technologies for future mobile network systems to meet the extremely diversified service requirements of users.

Nonparametric Estimation of the Fisher Information and Its Applications

no code implementations7 May 2020 Wei Cao, Alex Dytso, Michael Fauß, H. Vincent Poor, Gang Feng

First, an estimator proposed by Bhattacharya is revisited and improved convergence rates are derived.

Extraction automatique de contour de l\`evre \`a partir du mod\`ele CLNF (Automatic lip contour extraction using CLNF model)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2016 Li Liu, Gang Feng, Denis Beautemps

Dans cet article nous proposons une nouvelle solution pour extraire le contour interne des l{\`e}vres d{'}un locuteur sans utiliser d{'}artifices.

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