Search Results for author: Gang Yan

Found 13 papers, 2 papers with code

See Where You Read with Eye Gaze Tracking and Large Language Model

no code implementations28 Sep 2024 Sikai Yang, Gang Yan, Wan Du

Furthermore, real field tests with 18 volunteers demonstrated the system's effectiveness in tracking and highlighting read paragraphs, improving reading efficiency, and enhancing user experience.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Resonant Beam Enabled DoA Estimation in Passive Positioning System

no code implementations8 Aug 2024 Yixuan Guo, Qingwei Jiang, Mengyuan Xu, Wen Fang, Qingwen Liu, Gang Yan, Qunhui Yang, Hai Lu

The rapid advancement of the next generation of communications and internet of things (IoT) technologies has made the provision of location-based services for diverse devices an increasingly pressing necessity.

DePRL: Achieving Linear Convergence Speedup in Personalized Decentralized Learning with Shared Representations

no code implementations17 Dec 2023 Guojun Xiong, Gang Yan, Shiqiang Wang, Jian Li

Decentralized learning has emerged as an alternative method to the popular parameter-server framework which suffers from high communication burden, single-point failure and scalability issues due to the need of a central server.

Learning Theory Representation Learning

Fine-grained Action Analysis: A Multi-modality and Multi-task Dataset of Figure Skating

1 code implementation6 Jul 2023 Sheng-Lan Liu, Yu-Ning Ding, Gang Yan, Si-Fan Zhang, Jin-Rong Zhang, Wen-Yue Chen, Xue-Hai Xu

MMFS, which possesses action recognition and action quality assessment, captures RGB, skeleton, and is collected the score of actions from 11671 clips with 256 categories including spatial and temporal labels.

Action Analysis Action Quality Assessment +1

Straggler-Resilient Decentralized Learning via Adaptive Asynchronous Updates

no code implementations11 Jun 2023 Guojun Xiong, Gang Yan, Shiqiang Wang, Jian Li

With the increasing demand for large-scale training of machine learning models, fully decentralized optimization methods have recently been advocated as alternatives to the popular parameter server framework.

Identifying Unique Causal Network from Nonstationary Time Series

1 code implementation18 Nov 2022 Mingyu Kang, Duxin Chen, Ning Meng, Gang Yan, Wenwu Yu

HCE algorithm measures the strength of causality by using nearest-neighbors entropy estimator, which works well on nonstationary time series.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Network Topology Inference based on Timing Meta-Data

no code implementations11 Oct 2022 WenBo Du, Tao Tan, Haijun Zhang, Xianbin Cao, Gang Yan, Osvaldo Simeone

If the data timings and ACK timings of two nodes -- say node 1 and node 2, respectively -- are causally related, this may be taken as evidence that node 1 is communicating to node 2 (which sends back ACK packets to node 1).

Information Prebuilt Recurrent Reconstruction Network for Video Super-Resolution

no code implementations10 Dec 2021 Shuyun Wang, Ming Yu, Cuihong Xue, Yingchun Guo, Gang Yan

By integrating sufficient information from the front of the video to build the hidden state needed for the initially recurrent unit to help restore the earlier frames, the information prebuilt network balances the input information difference at different time steps.

Video Super-Resolution

Critical Learning Periods in Federated Learning

no code implementations12 Sep 2021 Gang Yan, Hao Wang, Jian Li

In this work, we show that the final test accuracy of FL is dramatically affected by the early phase of the training process, i. e., FL exhibits critical learning periods, in which small gradient errors can have irrecoverable impact on the final test accuracy.

Federated Learning

Straggler-Resilient Distributed Machine Learning with Dynamic Backup Workers

no code implementations11 Feb 2021 Guojun Xiong, Gang Yan, Rahul Singh, Jian Li

In this paradigm, each worker maintains a local estimate of the optimal parameter vector, and iteratively updates it by waiting and averaging all estimates obtained from its neighbors, and then corrects it on the basis of its local dataset.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Distributed Optimization

Visual Analytics of Anomalous User Behaviors: A Survey

no code implementations14 May 2019 Yang Shi, Yuyin Liu, Hanghang Tong, Jingrui He, Gang Yan, Nan Cao

The increasing accessibility of data provides substantial opportunities for understanding user behaviors.

Anomaly Detection Survey

Heterogeneous Strategy Particle Swarm Optimization

no code implementations30 Jul 2016 Wen-Bo Du, Wen Ying, Gang Yan, Yan-Bo Zhu, Xian-Bin Cao

Our extensive numerical experiments show that HSPSO algorithm is able to obtain satisfactory solutions, outperforming both PSO and the fully informed PSO.


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