Search Results for author: Gaojie Jin

Found 15 papers, 8 papers with code

Invariant Correlation of Representation with Label

no code implementations1 Jul 2024 Gaojie Jin, Ronghui Mu, Xinping Yi, Xiaowei Huang, Lijun Zhang

The Invariant Risk Minimization (IRM) approach aims to address the challenge of domain generalization by training a feature representation that remains invariant across multiple environments.

Domain Generalization

Safeguarding Large Language Models: A Survey

no code implementations3 Jun 2024 Yi Dong, Ronghui Mu, Yanghao Zhang, Siqi Sun, Tianle Zhang, Changshun Wu, Gaojie Jin, Yi Qi, Jinwei Hu, Jie Meng, Saddek Bensalem, Xiaowei Huang

In the burgeoning field of Large Language Models (LLMs), developing a robust safety mechanism, colloquially known as "safeguards" or "guardrails", has become imperative to ensure the ethical use of LLMs within prescribed boundaries.


Direct Training Needs Regularisation: Anytime Optimal Inference Spiking Neural Network

1 code implementation15 Apr 2024 Dengyu Wu, Yi Qi, Kaiwen Cai, Gaojie Jin, Xinping Yi, Xiaowei Huang

Notably, with STR and cutoff, SNN achieves 2. 14 to 2. 89 faster in inference compared to the pre-configured timestep with near-zero accuracy drop of 0. 50% to 0. 64% over the event-based datasets.

Building Guardrails for Large Language Models

no code implementations2 Feb 2024 Yi Dong, Ronghui Mu, Gaojie Jin, Yi Qi, Jinwei Hu, Xingyu Zhao, Jie Meng, Wenjie Ruan, Xiaowei Huang

As Large Language Models (LLMs) become more integrated into our daily lives, it is crucial to identify and mitigate their risks, especially when the risks can have profound impacts on human users and societies.

A Survey of Safety and Trustworthiness of Large Language Models through the Lens of Verification and Validation

no code implementations19 May 2023 Xiaowei Huang, Wenjie Ruan, Wei Huang, Gaojie Jin, Yi Dong, Changshun Wu, Saddek Bensalem, Ronghui Mu, Yi Qi, Xingyu Zhao, Kaiwen Cai, Yanghao Zhang, Sihao Wu, Peipei Xu, Dengyu Wu, Andre Freitas, Mustafa A. Mustafa

Large Language Models (LLMs) have exploded a new heatwave of AI for their ability to engage end-users in human-level conversations with detailed and articulate answers across many knowledge domains.

Randomized Adversarial Training via Taylor Expansion

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Gaojie Jin, Xinping Yi, Dengyu Wu, Ronghui Mu, Xiaowei Huang

The randomized weights enable our design of a novel adversarial training method via Taylor expansion of a small Gaussian noise, and we show that the new adversarial training method can flatten loss landscape and find flat minima.

Optimising Event-Driven Spiking Neural Network with Regularisation and Cutoff

2 code implementations23 Jan 2023 Dengyu Wu, Gaojie Jin, Han Yu, Xinping Yi, Xiaowei Huang

The Top-K cutoff technique optimises the inference of SNN, and the regularisation are proposed to affect the training and construct SNN with optimised performance for cutoff.

Computational Efficiency

SAFARI: Versatile and Efficient Evaluations for Robustness of Interpretability

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Wei Huang, Xingyu Zhao, Gaojie Jin, Xiaowei Huang

Finally, we demonstrate two applications of our methods: ranking robust XAI methods and selecting training schemes to improve both classification and interpretation robustness.

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

Enhancing Adversarial Training with Second-Order Statistics of Weights

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Gaojie Jin, Xinping Yi, Wei Huang, Sven Schewe, Xiaowei Huang

In this paper, we show that treating model weights as random variables allows for enhancing adversarial training through \textbf{S}econd-Order \textbf{S}tatistics \textbf{O}ptimization (S$^2$O) with respect to the weights.

Weight Expansion: A New Perspective on Dropout and Generalization

no code implementations23 Jan 2022 Gaojie Jin, Xinping Yi, Pengfei Yang, Lijun Zhang, Sven Schewe, Xiaowei Huang

While dropout is known to be a successful regularization technique, insights into the mechanisms that lead to this success are still lacking.

Neuronal Correlation: a Central Concept in Neural Network

no code implementations22 Jan 2022 Gaojie Jin, Xinping Yi, Xiaowei Huang

This paper proposes to study neural networks through neuronal correlation, a statistical measure of correlated neuronal activity on the penultimate layer.

How does Weight Correlation Affect Generalisation Ability of Deep Neural Networks?

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Gaojie Jin, Xinping Yi, Liang Zhang, Lijun Zhang, Sven Schewe, Xiaowei Huang

This paper studies the novel concept of weight correlation in deep neural networks and discusses its impact on the networks' generalisation ability.

How does Weight Correlation Affect the Generalisation Ability of Deep Neural Networks

1 code implementation12 Oct 2020 Gaojie Jin, Xinping Yi, Liang Zhang, Lijun Zhang, Sven Schewe, Xiaowei Huang

This paper studies the novel concept of weight correlation in deep neural networks and discusses its impact on the networks' generalisation ability.

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