Search Results for author: Garima Malik

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Data Augmentation for Conflict and Duplicate Detection in Software Engineering Sentence Pairs

no code implementations16 May 2023 Garima Malik, Mucahit Cevik, Ayşe Başar

This paper explores the use of text data augmentation techniques to enhance conflict and duplicate detection in software engineering tasks through sentence pair classification.

Data Augmentation LEMMA +3

Fine-grained Entity Recognition with Reduced False Negatives and Large Type Coverage

1 code implementation AKBC 2019 Abhishek Abhishek, Sanya Bathla Taneja, Garima Malik, Ashish Anand, Amit Awekar

Fine-grained Entity Recognition (FgER) is the task of detecting and classifying entity mentions to a large set of types spanning diverse domains such as biomedical, finance and sports.


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