no code implementations • 26 Aug 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Aman Singh, Gaston Ormazabal, Radu State, Henning Schulzrinne
SynGAN generates malicious packet flow mutations using real attack traffic, which can improve NIDS attack detection rates.
no code implementations • 24 May 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Gaston Ormazabal, Radu State, Jean Hilger
We propose MQLV, Modified Q-Learner for the Vasicek model, a new reinforcement learning approach that determines the optimal policy of money management based on the aggregated financial transactions of the clients.
no code implementations • 24 May 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Francois Petit, Gaston Ormazabal, Radu State, Jean Hilger
PHom-WAE minimizes the Wasserstein distance between the true distribution and the reconstructed distribution and uses persistent homology, the study of the topological features of a space at different spatial resolutions, to compare the nature of the latent manifold and the reconstructed distribution.