Search Results for author: Gaurav Raina

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

A Survey on Offensive AI Within Cybersecurity

no code implementations26 Sep 2024 Sahil Girhepuje, Aviral Verma, Gaurav Raina

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed major growth and integration across various domains.


LSTM-Based Anomaly Detection: Detection Rules from Extreme Value Theory

no code implementations13 Sep 2019 Neema Davis, Gaurav Raina, Krishna Jagannathan

In this paper, we explore various statistical techniques for anomaly detection in conjunction with the popular Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deep learning model for transportation networks.

Anomaly Detection Prediction

Grids versus Graphs: Partitioning Space for Improved Taxi Demand-Supply Forecasts

no code implementations18 Feb 2019 Neema Davis, Gaurav Raina, Krishna Jagannathan

To explore the Voronoi tessellation scheme, we propose the use of GraphLSTM (Graph-based LSTM), by representing the Voronoi spatial partitions as nodes on an arbitrarily structured graph.

Ensemble Learning

Taxi Demand-Supply Forecasting: Impact of Spatial Partitioning on the Performance of Neural Networks

1 code implementation10 Dec 2018 Neema Davis, Gaurav Raina, Krishna Jagannathan

We find that the LSTM model based on input features extracted from a variable-sized polygon tessellation yields superior performance over the LSTM model based on fixed-sized grid tessellation.

Taxi demand forecasting: A HEDGE based tessellation strategy for improved accuracy

no code implementations17 May 2018 Neema Davis, Gaurav Raina, Krishna Jagannathan

We show that the hybrid tessellation strategy performs consistently better than either of the two strategies across the data sets considered, at multiple time scales, and with different performance metrics.

Demand Forecasting Time Series Analysis

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