no code implementations • 28 Dec 2022 • Gautam Choudhary, Iftikhar Ahamath Burhanuddin, Eunyee Koh, Fan Du, Ryan A. Rossi
Furthermore, PersonaSAGE learns the appropriate set of persona embeddings for each node in the graph, and every node can have a different number of assigned persona embeddings.
1 code implementation • 2 Oct 2022 • Gautam Choudhary, Natwar Modani, Nitish Maurya
We crowd-source annotations for these reviews for actionability and type of comments.
no code implementations • 28 Sep 2022 • Atanu R. Sinha, Gautam Choudhary, Mansi Agarwal, Shivansh Bindal, Abhishek Pande, Camille Girabawe
There is heterogeneity among individuals belonging to an account in seeking information and hence the seller needs to score the interest of each individual over a long horizon to decide which individuals must be reached and when.