Search Results for author: Geng Liu

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

TDG: Text-guided Domain Generalization

no code implementations19 Aug 2023 Geng Liu, Yuxi Wang

Domain generalization (DG) attempts to generalize a model trained on single or multiple source domains to the unseen target domain.

Domain Generalization

A Specific Task-oriented Semantic Image Communication System for substation patrol inspection

no code implementations9 Jan 2023 Senran Fan, Haotai Liang, Chen Dong, Xiaodong Xu, Geng Liu

Inspired by that only some specific details of the image are needed in such substation patrol inspection task, we proposed a new paradigm of semantic enhancement in such specific task to ensure the clarity of key semantic information when facing a lower bit rate or a low signal-to-noise ratio situation.

Image Compression Semantic Communication

Mitigating barren plateaus of variational quantum eigensolvers

no code implementations26 May 2022 Xia Liu, Geng Liu, Jiaxin Huang, Hao-Kai Zhang, Xin Wang

Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) are expected to establish valuable applications on near-term quantum computers.

Fundamental limitations on optimization in variational quantum algorithms

no code implementations10 May 2022 Hao-Kai Zhang, Chengkai Zhu, Geng Liu, Xin Wang

Exploring quantum applications of near-term quantum devices is a rapidly growing field of quantum information science with both theoretical and practical interests.

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