Search Results for author: Geoffrey Scoutheeten

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

Data-QuestEval: A Referenceless Metric for Data-to-Text Semantic Evaluation

2 code implementations EMNLP 2021 Clément Rebuffel, Thomas Scialom, Laure Soulier, Benjamin Piwowarski, Sylvain Lamprier, Jacopo Staiano, Geoffrey Scoutheeten, Patrick Gallinari

QuestEval is a reference-less metric used in text-to-text tasks, that compares the generated summaries directly to the source text, by automatically asking and answering questions.

Data-to-Text Generation Question Generation +1

Controlling Hallucinations at Word Level in Data-to-Text Generation

1 code implementation4 Feb 2021 Clément Rebuffel, Marco Roberti, Laure Soulier, Geoffrey Scoutheeten, Rossella Cancelliere, Patrick Gallinari

Specifically, we propose a Multi-Branch Decoder which is able to leverage word-level labels to learn the relevant parts of each training instance.

Data-to-Text Generation Decoder +2

Let's Stop Incorrect Comparisons in End-to-end Relation Extraction!

3 code implementations EMNLP 2020 Bruno Taillé, Vincent Guigue, Geoffrey Scoutheeten, Patrick Gallinari

Despite efforts to distinguish three different evaluation setups (Bekoulis et al., 2018), numerous end-to-end Relation Extraction (RE) articles present unreliable performance comparison to previous work.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +3

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