Search Results for author: George Papanicolaou

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Super-resolution in disordered media using neural networks

no code implementations28 Oct 2024 Alexander Christie, Matan Leibovich, Miguel Moscoso, Alexei Novikov, George Papanicolaou, Chrysoula Tsogka

We propose a methodology that exploits large and diverse data sets to accurately estimate the ambient medium's Green's functions in strongly scattering media.


Wave-informed dictionary learning for high-resolution imaging in complex media

no code implementations22 Sep 2023 Miguel Moscoso, Alexei Novikov, George Papanicolaou, Chrysoula Tsogka

For these two steps to work together we need data from large arrays of receivers so the columns of the sensing matrix are incoherent for the first step, as well as from sub-arrays so that they are coherent enough to obtain the connectivity needed in the second step.

Dictionary Learning

Correlation based Imaging for rotating satellites

no code implementations1 Nov 2021 Matan Leibovich, George Papanicolaou, Chrysoula Tsogka

We call this the rank-1 image and show that it provides superior image resolution compared to the usual single-point migration scheme for fast moving and rotating objects.

Fast signal recovery from quadratic measurements

no code implementations11 Oct 2020 Miguel Moscoso, Alexei Novikov, George Papanicolaou, Chrysoula Tsogka

Compared to the sparse signal recovery problem that uses linear measurements, the unknown is now a matrix formed by the cross correlation of the unknown signal.

Imaging with highly incomplete and corrupted data

no code implementations5 Aug 2019 Miguel Moscoso, Alexei Novikov, George Papanicolaou, Chrysoula Tsogka

To improve the performance of $l_1$-minimization we propose to solve instead the augmented linear system $ [A \, | \, C] \rho =b$, where the $N \times \Sigma$ matrix $C$ is a noise collector.

The Noise Collector for sparse recovery in high dimensions

no code implementations5 Aug 2019 Miguel Moscoso, Alexei Novikov, George Papanicolaou, Chrysoula Tsogka

The ability to detect sparse signals from noisy high-dimensional data is a top priority in modern science and engineering.

Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

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