Search Results for author: Georges Linares

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

WAC: A Corpus of Wikipedia Conversations for Online Abuse Detection

1 code implementation LREC 2020 Noé Cecillon, Vincent Labatut, Richard Dufour, Georges Linares

This large corpus of more than 380k annotated messages opens perspectives for online abuse detection and especially for context-based approaches.

Abuse Detection Benchmarking

Serial Speakers: a Dataset of TV Series

1 code implementation LREC 2020 Xavier Bost, Vincent Labatut, Georges Linares

For over a decade, TV series have been drawing increasing interest, both from the audience and from various academic fields.


Conversational Networks for Automatic Online Moderation

no code implementations31 Jan 2019 Etienne Papegnies, Vincent Labatut, Richard Dufour, Georges Linares

We identify the most appropriate network extraction parameters and discuss the discriminative power of our features, relatively to their topological and temporal nature.

Abuse Detection

Constrained speaker diarization of TV series based on visual patterns

no code implementations18 Dec 2018 Xavier Bost, Georges Linares

Speaker diarization, usually denoted as the ''who spoke when'' task, turns out to be particularly challenging when applied to fictional films, where many characters talk in various acoustic conditions (background music, sound effects...).

Clustering speaker-diarization +1

D{é}tection de locuteurs dans les s{é}ries TV

no code implementations18 Dec 2018 Xavier Bost, Georges Linares

Speaker diarization of audio streams turns out to be particularly challenging when applied to fictional films, where many characters talk in various acoustic conditions (background music, sound effects, variations in intonation...).

Clustering speaker-diarization +1

Graph-based Features for Automatic Online Abuse Detection

no code implementations3 Aug 2017 Etienne Papegnies, Vincent Labatut, Richard Dufour, Georges Linares

While online communities have become increasingly important over the years, the moderation of user-generated content is still performed mostly manually.

Abuse Detection

Apport de l'information temporelle des contextes pour la repr\'esentation vectorielle continue des mots

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2015 Killian Janod, Mohamed Morchid, Richard Dufour, Georges Linares

Ces approches sont manipul{\'e}es au travers d{'}un r{\'e}seau de neurones, l{'}architecture CBOW cherchant alors {\`a} pr{\'e}dire un mot sachant son contexte, alors que l{'}architecture Skip-Gram pr{\'e}dit un contexte sachant un mot.


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