Search Results for author: Gian Marti

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

PyJama: Differentiable Jamming and Anti-Jamming with NVIDIA Sionna

no code implementations22 Jul 2024 Fabian Ulbricht, Gian Marti, Reinhard Wiesmayr, Christoph Studer

Despite extensive research on jamming attacks on wireless communication systems, the potential of machine learning for amplifying the threat of such attacks, or our ability to mitigate them, remains largely untapped.

Jammer-Resilient Time Synchronization in the MIMO Uplink

no code implementations8 Apr 2024 Gian Marti, Flurin Arquint, Christoph Studer

JASS detects a randomized synchronization sequence based on a novel optimization problem that fits a spatial filter to the time-windowed receive signal in order to mitigate the jammer.

Bit Error and Block Error Rate Training for ML-Assisted Communication

2 code implementations25 Oct 2022 Reinhard Wiesmayr, Gian Marti, Chris Dick, Haochuan Song, Christoph Studer

Even though machine learning (ML) techniques are being widely used in communications, the question of how to train communication systems has received surprisingly little attention.

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