Search Results for author: Gijs Dubbelman

Found 28 papers, 16 papers with code

2024 BRAVO Challenge Track 1 1st Place Report: Evaluating Robustness of Vision Foundation Models for Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation25 Sep 2024 Tommie Kerssies, Daan de Geus, Gijs Dubbelman

In this report, we present our solution for Track 1 of the 2024 BRAVO Challenge, where a model is trained on Cityscapes and its robustness is evaluated on several out-of-distribution datasets.

Decoder Semantic Segmentation

Exploring the Benefits of Vision Foundation Models for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

1 code implementation14 Jun 2024 Brunó B. Englert, Fabrizio J. Piva, Tommie Kerssies, Daan de Geus, Gijs Dubbelman

These results underscore the significant benefits of combining VFMs with UDA, setting new standards and baselines for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in semantic segmentation.

Out-of-Distribution Generalization Semantic Segmentation +1

ALGM: Adaptive Local-then-Global Token Merging for Efficient Semantic Segmentation with Plain Vision Transformers

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Narges Norouzi, Svetlana Orlova, Daan de Geus, Gijs Dubbelman

This work presents Adaptive Local-then-Global Merging (ALGM), a token reduction method for semantic segmentation networks that use plain Vision Transformers.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation +1

How to Benchmark Vision Foundation Models for Semantic Segmentation?

2 code implementations18 Apr 2024 Tommie Kerssies, Daan de Geus, Gijs Dubbelman

The benchmarking setup recommended in this paper enables a performance analysis of VFMs for semantic segmentation.

Benchmarking Decoder +2

Content-aware Token Sharing for Efficient Semantic Segmentation with Vision Transformers

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Chenyang Lu, Daan de Geus, Gijs Dubbelman

This paper introduces Content-aware Token Sharing (CTS), a token reduction approach that improves the computational efficiency of semantic segmentation networks that use Vision Transformers (ViTs).

Computational Efficiency Segmentation +2

Off-Policy Action Anticipation in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations4 Apr 2023 Ariyan Bighashdel, Daan de Geus, Pavol Jancura, Gijs Dubbelman

Learning anticipation in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is a reasoning paradigm where agents anticipate the learning steps of other agents to improve cooperation among themselves.

Action Anticipation Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning +2

Unified Perception: Efficient Depth-Aware Video Panoptic Segmentation with Minimal Annotation Costs

no code implementations3 Mar 2023 Kurt Stolle, Gijs Dubbelman

Furthermore, we show that our tracking strategies are effective for long-term object association on KITTI-STEP, achieving an STQ of 59. 1 which exceeded the performance of state-of-the-art methods that employ the same backbone network.

Depth-aware Video Panoptic Segmentation Scene Understanding +1

Training Semantic Segmentation on Heterogeneous Datasets

no code implementations18 Jan 2023 Panagiotis Meletis, Gijs Dubbelman

We explore semantic segmentation beyond the conventional, single-dataset homogeneous training and bring forward the problem of Heterogeneous Training of Semantic Segmentation (HTSS).

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

Self-Supervised Road Layout Parsing with Graph Auto-Encoding

1 code implementation21 Mar 2022 Chenyang Lu, Gijs Dubbelman

Aiming for higher-level scene understanding, this work presents a neural network approach that takes a road-layout map in bird's-eye-view as input, and predicts a human-interpretable graph that represents the road's topological layout.

Image Reconstruction Scene Understanding

Deep Adaptive Multi-Intention Inverse Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation14 Jul 2021 Ariyan Bighashdel, Panagiotis Meletis, Pavol Jancura, Gijs Dubbelman

This paper presents a deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) framework that can learn an a priori unknown number of nonlinear reward functions from unlabeled experts' demonstrations.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Exploiting Image Translations via Ensemble Self-Supervised Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

no code implementations13 Jul 2021 Fabrizio J. Piva, Gijs Dubbelman

To exploit the advantage of using multiple image translations, we propose an ensemble learning approach, where three classifiers calculate their prediction by taking as input features of different image translations, making each classifier learn independently, with the purpose of combining their outputs by sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression.

Domain Generalization Ensemble Learning +6

Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Daan de Geus, Panagiotis Meletis, Chenyang Lu, Xiaoxiao Wen, Gijs Dubbelman

In this work, we introduce the new scene understanding task of Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation (PPS), which aims to understand a scene at multiple levels of abstraction, and unifies the tasks of scene parsing and part parsing.

Image Segmentation Panoptic Segmentation +3

Image-Graph-Image Translation via Auto-Encoding

no code implementations10 Dec 2020 Chenyang Lu, Gijs Dubbelman

To overcome this, we are the first to present a self-supervised approach based on a fully-differentiable auto-encoder in which the bottleneck encodes the graph's nodes and edges.

Scene Understanding Translation +1

Fast Panoptic Segmentation Network

no code implementations9 Oct 2019 Daan de Geus, Panagiotis Meletis, Gijs Dubbelman

For lower resolutions of the Cityscapes dataset and for the Pascal VOC dataset, FPSNet runs at 22 and 35 frames per second, respectively.

Panoptic Segmentation Segmentation

Semantic Foreground Inpainting from Weak Supervision

1 code implementation10 Sep 2019 Chenyang Lu, Gijs Dubbelman

Our approach is inherently more efficient than the previous two-stage state-of-the-art method, and outperforms it by a margin of 3% IoU for the inpainted foreground regions on Cityscapes.

Scene Understanding Semantic Segmentation

Hallucinating Beyond Observation: Learning to Complete with Partial Observation and Unpaired Prior Knowledge

no code implementations23 Jul 2019 Chenyang Lu, Gijs Dubbelman

We propose a novel single-step training strategy that allows convolutional encoder-decoder networks that use skip connections, to complete partially observed data by means of hallucination.

Decoder Hallucination

Data Selection for training Semantic Segmentation CNNs with cross-dataset weak supervision

no code implementations16 Jul 2019 Panagiotis Meletis, Rob Romijnders, Gijs Dubbelman

Training convolutional networks for semantic segmentation with strong (per-pixel) and weak (per-bounding-box) supervision requires a large amount of weakly labeled data.

Diversity Semantic Segmentation

On Boosting Semantic Street Scene Segmentation with Weak Supervision

1 code implementation8 Mar 2019 Panagiotis Meletis, Gijs Dubbelman

We collect street scene images and weak labels from the immense Open Images dataset to generate the OpenScapes dataset, and we use this novel dataset to increase segmentation performance on two established per-pixel labeled datasets, Cityscapes and Vistas.

Scene Segmentation Segmentation

A Domain Agnostic Normalization Layer for Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation

no code implementations14 Sep 2018 Rob Romijnders, Panagiotis Meletis, Gijs Dubbelman

We show that conventional normalization layers worsen the performance of current Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaption (UADA), which is a method to improve network performance on unlabeled datasets and the focus of our research.

Domain Adaptation Scene Segmentation

Panoptic Segmentation with a Joint Semantic and Instance Segmentation Network

no code implementations CoRR 2019 Daan de Geus, Panagiotis Meletis, Gijs Dubbelman

For instance segmentation, a Mask R-CNN type of architecture is used, while the semantic segmentation branch is augmented with a Pyramid Pooling Module.

Instance Segmentation Panoptic Segmentation +1

Monocular Semantic Occupancy Grid Mapping with Convolutional Variational Encoder-Decoder Networks

no code implementations6 Apr 2018 Chenyang Lu, Marinus Jacobus Gerardus van de Molengraft, Gijs Dubbelman

In this work, we research and evaluate end-to-end learning of monocular semantic-metric occupancy grid mapping from weak binocular ground truth.

Ranked #2 on Bird's-Eye View Semantic Segmentation on nuScenes (IoU veh - 224x480 - No vis filter - 100x50 at 0.25 metric)

Bird's-Eye View Semantic Segmentation Decoder

Training of Convolutional Networks on Multiple Heterogeneous Datasets for Street Scene Semantic Segmentation

2 code implementations15 Mar 2018 Panagiotis Meletis, Gijs Dubbelman

We propose a convolutional network with hierarchical classifiers for per-pixel semantic segmentation, which is able to be trained on multiple, heterogeneous datasets and exploit their semantic hierarchy.

Semantic Segmentation

Free-Space Detection with Self-Supervised and Online Trained Fully Convolutional Networks

no code implementations8 Apr 2016 Willem P. Sanberg, Gijs Dubbelman, Peter H. N. de With

Experiments show that the online training boosts performance with 5% when compared to offline training, both for Fmax and AP.

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