Search Results for author: Gil Zussman

Found 16 papers, 4 papers with code

AI-Powered Urban Transportation Digital Twin: Methods and Applications

no code implementations30 Dec 2024 Xuan Di, Yongjie Fu, Mehmet K. Turkcan, Mahshid Ghasemi, Zhaobin Mo, Chengbo Zang, Abhishek Adhikari, Zoran Kostic, Gil Zussman

This survey paper can be a pointer to help researchers and practitioners identify challenges and opportunities for the development of DTs; a bridge to initiate conversations across disciplines; and a road map to exploiting potentials of DTs for diverse urban transportation applications.

Decision Making Management +3

The Streetscape Application Services Stack (SASS): Towards a Distributed Sensing Architecture for Urban Applications

no code implementations29 Nov 2024 Navid Salami Pargoo, Mahshid Ghasemi, Shuren Xia, Mehmet Kerem Turkcan, Taqiya Ehsan, Chengbo Zang, Yuan Sun, Javad Ghaderi, Gil Zussman, Zoran Kostic, Jorge Ortiz

The Streetscape Application Services Stack (SASS) addresses these challenges with three core services: multimodal data synchronization, spatiotemporal data fusion, and distributed edge computing.


Boundless: Generating Photorealistic Synthetic Data for Object Detection in Urban Streetscapes

1 code implementation4 Sep 2024 Mehmet Kerem Turkcan, Yuyang Li, Chengbo Zang, Javad Ghaderi, Gil Zussman, Zoran Kostic

We introduce Boundless, a photo-realistic synthetic data generation system for enabling highly accurate object detection in dense urban streetscapes.

Object object-detection +2

Data-Driven Traffic Simulation for an Intersection in a Metropolis

no code implementations1 Aug 2024 Chengbo Zang, Mehmet Kerem Turkcan, Gil Zussman, Javad Ghaderi, Zoran Kostic

We present a novel data-driven simulation environment for modeling traffic in metropolitan street intersections.

Trajectory Forecasting

Constellation Dataset: Benchmarking High-Altitude Object Detection for an Urban Intersection

1 code implementation25 Apr 2024 Mehmet Kerem Turkcan, Sanjeev Narasimhan, Chengbo Zang, Gyung Hyun Je, Bo Yu, Mahshid Ghasemi, Javad Ghaderi, Gil Zussman, Zoran Kostic

The dataset addresses the need for curated data to explore problems in small object detection exemplified by the limited pixel footprint of pedestrians observed tens of meters from above.

Benchmarking object-detection +1

Fast WDM provisioning with minimal probing: the first field experiments for DC exchanges

no code implementations14 Sep 2023 Hideki Nishizawa, Toru Mano, Thomas Ferreira de Lima, Yue-Kai Huang, Zehao Wang, Wataru Ishida, Masahisa Kawashima, Ezra Ip, Andrea D'Amico, Seiji Okamoto, Takeru Inoue, Kazuya Anazawa, Vittorio Curri, Gil Zussman, Daniel Kilper, Tingjun Chen, Ting Wang, Koji Asahi, Koichi Takasugi

Then, using field fibers deployed in the NSF COSMOS testbed (deployed in an urban area), a Linux-based transmission device software architecture, and coherent transceivers with different optical frequency ranges, modulators, and modulation formats, the fast WDM provisioning of an optical path was completed within 6 minutes (with a Q-factor error of about 0. 7 dB).

Protection Against Graph-Based False Data Injection Attacks on Power Systems

no code implementations21 Apr 2023 Gal Morgenstern, Jip Kim, James Anderson, Gil Zussman, Tirza Routtenberg

We present the GFDI attack as the solution for a non-convex constrained optimization problem.

Identification of Intraday False Data Injection Attack on DER Dispatch Signals

no code implementations8 Jul 2022 Jip Kim, Siddharth Bhela, James Anderson, Gil Zussman

The urgent need for the decarbonization of power girds has accelerated the integration of renewable energy.


Outdoor-to-Indoor 28 GHz Wireless Measurements in Manhattan: Path Loss, Environmental Effects, and 90% Coverage

no code implementations19 May 2022 Manav Kohli, Abhishek Adhikari, Gulnur Avci, Sienna Brent, Aditya Dash, Jared Moser, Sabbir Hossain, Igor Kadota, Carson Garland, Shivan Mukherjee, Rodolfo Feick, Dmitry Chizhik, Jinfeng Du, Reinaldo A. Valenzuela, Gil Zussman

The measured OtI path gain can vary by up to 40 dB for a given link distance, and the empirical path gain model for all data shows an average of 30 dB excess loss over free space at distances beyond 50 m, with an RMS fitting error of 11. 7 dB.

Management Scheduling

Smart City Intersections: Intelligence Nodes for Future Metropolises

no code implementations3 May 2022 Zoran Kostić, Alex Angus, Zhengye Yang, Zhuoxu Duan, Ivan Seskar, Gil Zussman, Dipankar Raychaudhuri

Traffic intersections are the most suitable locations for the deployment of computing, communications, and intelligence services for smart cities of the future.

Edge-computing Management

Switching in the Rain: Predictive Wireless x-haul Network Reconfiguration

no code implementations7 Mar 2022 Igor Kadota, Dror Jacoby, Hagit Messer, Gil Zussman, Jonatan Ostrometzky

Wireless x-haul networks rely on microwave and millimeter-wave links between 4G and/or 5G base-stations to support ultra-high data rate and ultra-low latency.


Birds Eye View Social Distancing Analysis System

no code implementations14 Dec 2021 Zhengye Yang, Mingfei Sun, Hongzhe Ye, Zihao Xiong, Gil Zussman, Zoran Kostic

We propose and evaluate a privacy-preserving social distancing analysis system (B-SDA), which uses bird's-eye view video recordings of pedestrians who cross traffic intersections.

object-detection Object Detection +2

Physics-Informed Deep Neural Network Method for Limited Observability State Estimation

1 code implementation14 Oct 2019 Jonatan Ostrometzky, Konstantin Berestizshevsky, Andrey Bernstein, Gil Zussman

We show that our method leads to a superior accuracy of the estimation when compared to the case when no physical information is provided.

Directional Measurements in Urban Street Canyons from Macro Rooftop Sites at 28 GHz for 90% Outdoor Coverage

no code implementations1 Aug 2019 Jinfeng Du, Dmitry Chizhik, Reinaldo A. Valenzuela, Rodolfo Feick, Guillermo Castro, Mauricio Rodriguez, Tingjun Chen, Manav Kohli, Gil Zussman

Coverage in the street directly illuminated by a roof edge antenna is found to suffer an average excess loss of 11 dB relative to free space at 200 m, with empirical slope-intercept fit model representing the data with 7. 1 dB standard deviation.

Open-Access Full-Duplex Wireless in the ORBIT Testbed

1 code implementation9 Jan 2018 Tingjun Chen, Mahmood Baraani Dastjerdi, Guy Farkash, Jin Zhou, Harish Krishnaswamy, Gil Zussman

We provide an FD transceiver baseline program and present two example FD experiments where 90dB and 85dB overall SI cancellation is achieved for a simple waveform and PSK modulated signals across both the RF and digital domains.

Networking and Internet Architecture Signal Processing

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