Search Results for author: Gilad Katz

Found 18 papers, 2 papers with code

Few-Shot Tabular Data Enrichment Using Fine-Tuned Transformer Architectures

no code implementations ACL 2022 Asaf Harari, Gilad Katz

In this study we proposed Few-Shot Transformer based Enrichment (FeSTE), a generic and robust framework for the enrichment of tabular datasets using unstructured data.

Markov flow policy -- deep MC

no code implementations1 May 2024 Nitsan Soffair, Gilad Katz

Discounted algorithms often encounter evaluation errors due to their reliance on short-term estimations, which can impede their efficacy in addressing simple, short-term tasks and impose undesired temporal discounts (\(\gamma\)).

Detecting Anomalous Network Communication Patterns Using Graph Convolutional Networks

no code implementations30 Nov 2023 Yizhak Vaisman, Gilad Katz, Yuval Elovici, Asaf Shabtai

To protect an organizations' endpoints from sophisticated cyberattacks, advanced detection methods are required.

ReMark: Receptive Field based Spatial WaterMark Embedding Optimization using Deep Network

no code implementations11 May 2023 Natan Semyonov, Rami Puzis, Asaf Shabtai, Gilad Katz

Watermarking is one of the most important copyright protection tools for digital media.

A Transferable and Automatic Tuning of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cost Effective Phishing Detection

no code implementations19 Sep 2022 Orel Lavie, Asaf Shabtai, Gilad Katz

Many challenging real-world problems require the deployment of ensembles multiple complementary learning models to reach acceptable performance levels.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Secure Machine Learning in the Cloud Using One Way Scrambling by Deconvolution

no code implementations4 Nov 2021 Yiftach Savransky, Roni Mateless, Gilad Katz

Cloud-based machine learning services (CMLS) enable organizations to take advantage of advanced models that are pre-trained on large quantities of data.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Anomaly Detection for Aggregated Data Using Multi-Graph Autoencoder

no code implementations11 Jan 2021 Tomer Meirman, Roni Stern, Gilad Katz

In this research, we present a thorough analysis of the aggregated data and the relationships between aggregated events.

Anomaly Detection

PIVEN: A Deep Neural Network for Prediction Intervals with Specific Value Prediction

1 code implementation9 Jun 2020 Eli Simhayev, Gilad Katz, Lior Rokach

Improving the robustness of neural nets in regression tasks is key to their application in multiple domains.

Prediction Intervals Value prediction

Automatic Machine Learning Derived from Scholarly Big Data

no code implementations6 Mar 2020 Asnat Greenstein-Messica, Roman Vainshtein, Gilad Katz, Bracha Shapira, Lior Rokach

One of the challenging aspects of applying machine learning is the need to identify the algorithms that will perform best for a given dataset.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

RankML: a Meta Learning-Based Approach for Pre-Ranking Machine Learning Pipelines

no code implementations31 Oct 2019 Doron Laadan, Roman Vainshtein, Yarden Curiel, Gilad Katz, Lior Rokach

In this study, we propose RankML, a meta-learning based approach for predicting the performance of whole machine learning pipelines.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Meta-Learning

Assessing the Quality of Scientific Papers

no code implementations12 Aug 2019 Roman Vainshtein, Gilad Katz, Bracha Shapira, Lior Rokach

In this paper, we propose a measure and method for assessing the overall quality of the scientific papers in a particular field of study.

Transferable Cost-Aware Security Policy Implementation for Malware Detection Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations25 May 2019 Yoni Birman, Shaked Hindi, Gilad Katz, Asaf Shabtai

This security policy is then implemented, and for each inspected file, a different set of detectors is assigned and a different detection threshold is set.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Malware Detection +2

New Item Consumption Prediction Using Deep Learning

no code implementations5 May 2019 Michael Shekasta, Gilad Katz, Asnat Greenstein-Messica, Lior Rokach, Bracha Shapira

Our experiments show that PISA outperforms a well-known deep learning baseline when new items are introduced.

Deep Learning Recommendation Systems

MDGAN: Boosting Anomaly Detection Using \\Multi-Discriminator Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations11 Oct 2018 Yotam Intrator, Gilad Katz, Asaf Shabtai

Anomaly detection is often considered a challenging field of machine learning due to the difficulty of obtaining anomalous samples for training and the need to obtain a sufficient amount of training data.

Anomaly Detection valid

Wikiometrics: A Wikipedia Based Ranking System

no code implementations6 Jan 2016 Gilad Katz, Lior Rokach

We present a new concept - Wikiometrics - the derivation of metrics and indicators from Wikipedia.

ExploreKit: Automatic Feature Generation and Selection

1 code implementation ICDM 2016 2016 Gilad Katz, Eui Chul Richard Shin, Dawn Song

To overcome the exponential growth of the feature space, ExploreKit uses a novel machine learning-based feature selection approach to predict the usefulness of new candidate features.

Automated Feature Engineering BIG-bench Machine Learning +3

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