no code implementations • 18 Jul 2023 • Jianlan Luo, Charles Xu, Xinyang Geng, Gilbert Feng, Kuan Fang, Liam Tan, Stefan Schaal, Sergey Levine
In such settings, learning individual primitives for each stage that succeed with a high enough rate to perform a complete temporally extended task is impractical: if each stage must be completed successfully and has a non-negligible probability of failure, the likelihood of successful completion of the entire task becomes negligible.
1 code implementation • 12 Sep 2022 • Gilbert Feng, Hongbo Zhang, Zhongyu Li, Xue Bin Peng, Bhuvan Basireddy, Linzhu Yue, Zhitao Song, Lizhi Yang, Yunhui Liu, Koushil Sreenath, Sergey Levine
In this work, we introduce a framework for training generalized locomotion (GenLoco) controllers for quadrupedal robots.